Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Those knuckleheads just don't get it.

I often wonder what it is.  Is it the city limit? Is it the property boundary?  Is it the first step?  Is it the offices?  Is it the dome?  I can't figure out why our elected representatives suddenly get "brain dead disease" when they arrive at their posts in Washington DC, or any of the state capitols.

I learned today that Mr. Obama (I can't bring myself to call him "President") has reached a compromise with the Republicrats.  Why is there a compromise?  We, the people, have offered a pretty strong statement as to what we want those wrong-headed people to accomplish.  From my point of view it is this:

1.  Clean out government.  Get rid of that which the constitution does not support.  Stop funding things that run up the debt.  Close departments that are worthless.  Our children have suffered as a result of federal meddling in our school systems.  Close the Department of Education.  Our energy costs are skyrocketing because of the regulation of energy discovery and production.  Close the Department of Energy.  Our freedoms are compromised in the name of "national security" and the costs are skyrocketing.  I wonder who is getting the kick-backs.  Close the Department of Homeland Security.  Our surface transportation system is being regulated to death by people who have no idea what it takes to transport goods across America.  Close the Department of Transportation.  Our tax laws are incomprehensible even to the IRS.  Institute flat taxes and close the IRS and it's private army and courts.

2.  Treat everyone fairly.  Tax the family earning minimum wage at the same rate as the giant corporations with only deductions for charitable organizations.  If that rate was 5% everyone would feel that they participate in this great country.  There would be fewer slugs. Institute work-fare.  If you get help from the government, you must work for it at reduced rate.  It would stimulate people to get real jobs.  There are enough things needing done.  Parks need cleaned, government buildings need maintained.  Get rid of the government labor unions and make the welfare folks help out.  Just think how much better off our communities would be.

3.  Reduce the amount of "assistants" each representative has.  I can't even imagine why they have such vast staffs.  Reduce the amount of money to be paid for Executive Branch salaries.  It used to be that you worked as a volunteer in the Executive Branch. Return it to that point.  Most of the cabinet is wealthy in their own right and don't need the salaries.  The deputies, assistants, and others should be paying for the education  they are receiving while learning government service.

4.  Praise God publicly.  Require public prayers to invoke His intervention in governmental business and then pronounce a benediction thanking Him for His protection of our great nation.

Don't like my proposals?  Perhaps Venezuela or Cuba, or Iran could benefit from your better judgment.

1 comment:

  1. Jim,
    I love your rants. Keep it up. Too bad this isn't a national letter tot he editor, or to the Kommander-in-chief.
