Thursday, December 30, 2010

It gets worse by the day

I read on Drudge today that officials in Florida will violate the 5th amendment by forcing citizens to indict themselves via forced breathalizer tests at  check points.  And the Department of Injustice is applauding the move.  MADD and others are happy it is happening, but I see another infringement of our rights.  We are becoming more and more of a police state, and just as oppressive as the Soviet Union of the late 60's.  We are asking citizens to spy on their neighbors just as Hitler's thugs did in the 30's and early 40's.

We have to struggle against this incursion of our rights.  In my opinion we are becoming less and less free as we permit more and more of this nonsense in the name of "national security" or "personal security".  While I don't drink, or smoke.....ever....I believe it is every citizen's responsibility to take care of his own personal security.  People are used to limits, but as choices are removed, responsibility is also removed.  Now the state must assume responsibility for DUI's and indoor smokers, because there is a law.  If the law is broken and the state does nothing, a reasonable lawsuit can be brought against it.  Civil responsibility is assumed by the state.  Wonderful, isn't it?

Satan, according to the Bible,  wanted to force us all, against our will, to return to Heavenly Father's kingdom.  Jehova's plan was to give us choice and let us earn our way because of those choices.  Why do these statists think they know more than God?  We must have freedom of choice so as to prove ourselves.  We cannot prove ourselves at all without the ability to make conscious decisions to do right or do wrong. 

We must put an end to these Marxist/Stalinist procedures.  We have to get the government OUT of our daily lives.  If we want our country to be great again, we have to let the people do what they do best.  Work out their own personal/family plan without interference from bumbling bureaucratic blockheads.

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