Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day 2011

235 years ago the American colonies declared independence from its oppressor.  The political conditions then are much like those of today, except now we must resist our own government's oppression.  When the Declaration of Independence was written, our people only wanted self governance.  They were distressed because of regulation without representation.  Today we send our representatives to Washington, but they don't represent us.  Instead they only represent their own interests.  They ignore the will of the people, and pervert government.  They build their own little empires and then are indignant when someone calls them on their actions.

Why can we not return to the values established by the framers of our nation?  Why can we no longer trust our governmental leaders?  It appears to me that our elective leaders think that we send them to Washington so that they can "adjust" government.  What we really need is representatives that will go to Washington and RESIST temptation to make laws that are oppressive.  We need representatives that will go to Washington with the idea in mind that they will work to repeal laws that are not in the best interests of the masses.  There are many.   We need honesty, integrity, maturity, thriftiness, and quality in our elective leaders.

We need to return to our Christian roots.  We need to worship Almighty God.  We need to accept the atonement and remember it is freely given if we will freely accept.  We need to remember that this life is only a step in the eternal plan of happiness.  We need to know that our actions here will affect our status when this life is over.  We need to return to brotherly kindness.  Small town America generally has it right.  The people are protective of each other.  They watch out for one another and work together. 

We need to be Americans instead of Irish-Americans, African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans or any other kind.  We are all simply Americans and should act that way. 

Enough for today.

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