Saturday, July 16, 2011

The National Budget Mess

So the Ayatollah Barry Obama said this week that 80% of Americans WANT more taxes.  I'm wondering where that poll came from.  I don't know anyone that thinks more taxes will resolve this debt issue.  I agree with many who have opined that this is not a revenue issue, but rather a spending issue.

Here is the thing.  Mr. Obama wants to tax upper income individuals.  I remember back when it was decided the way to increase revenue is to tax personal yacht purchases.  The problem was that it put yacht makers out of business because people were simply purchasing their yachts overseas.  Today a similar situation exists.  Taxing higher income folks will damage the livelyhood of those who can least afford it.

Example 1.  Citizen earns $300,000.00 per year.  He purchases an estate and hires people to care for it.  If Citizen pays more taxes, the likely hood is that he will not purchase the estate and will not hire help.  Therefore, the builder of the estate is out of work along with his workers, and the domestic help that would have been hired are also out of work.

Exampls 2.  Citizen earns $1.3M, and decides to open a business.  Along come new taxes and he decides perhaps he will bank the money rather than just give it to government through higher employment taxes and increased regulation, and more personal income tax. He decides that he will open his business in Mexico or India, because they are more business friendly.  Therefore, the building he would use is not rented, the employees he would have hired are still out of work and the economy for many people stagnates.

Money is like water.  In order for it to remain fresh it must circulate.  Unfortunately, when money is given to the Government, much of it winds up in the pockets of undesirables.

Government must learn to live less large.  I have said many time how that should be done.  The crises could be resolved THIS YEAR if the knuckleheads in Washington would just do what they were sent to do.

Our representatives were not sent to Washington the make laws, but rather to protect us from unrighteous government.  However, these representatives get perverted by the power they perceive themselves to have.  They think they just HAVE to make laws, because they are in congress.  I say now they must repent and be about OUR business and not about their own.

Mr. Obama also needs to understand.  He is becoming the American Hitler.  Oppression of the masses will foster revolt.  The tea party started it, but the populace will finish it if government can't get itself under control.

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