Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Time to put some controls on the US Senate

It is time to let the US Senate feel the same pain that we showed the House last year.  We need to vote out this bunch of self-inflated, overbearing, overspending, knuckleheads that want to increase spending. 

We finally got it across to the majority of the House of Representatives that we want responsible government.  Most of those whom we collectively installed understand the mood of the American people, but evidently the Senate hasn't yet received the message.  It is already understood that the Ayatollah Barry Obama doesn't get it, but I, at least, thought our representatives in both houses of the legislative branch did. 

Vote the bums out of office.  The Mitch McConnell proposal will destroy this nation.  He knows it, the Democrats know it, Mr. Obama know it and we know it.  If they progress it, we need to find out who voted for it and get them out.

We need the plan the House put forward today.  It has some warts, but it is the best plan so far presented.  I have said how I'd do it if I were given the opportunity, but I'm just a lowly taxpayer.  I'm not one of the elites who know better than anyone else.

Slim down the government, slim down foreign payments.  Stop supporting the UN, Close departments not specifically mentioned in our founding documents.  Promote domestic oil exploration and exploitation. Promote coal.  Promote founding small business without such heavy regulation and licensing.  Stop the citizen harassment and be leaders and not nazi storm troopers.

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