Saturday, July 9, 2011

"We all have to sacrifice"

The Ayatollah-in-chief, Mr. Obama, says that we all need to tighten our belts and "sacrifice".  Now I wonder exactly what he means.  He just gave his staffers a raise. I haven't seen a raise in over 6 years.  The cost of living increases conveniently do not count the cost of gasoline for the little people, but evidently for the elitists, every little penny counts. 

So these people, who should be working as interns because of the very high salaries they will gain when they leave government service, make 3 times the national average.  They are not 3 times as smart.  They are not 3 times as educated.  They ARE 3 times as ignorant of conditions in the USA today.

I guess when we are in a budget crunch, the thing to do is raise government salaries.  I wonder if my company would go for that.  When we struggle for existence, we should raise salaries.  However, that isn't the way the real world works.  We, in the real world, take pay cuts so that our company can stay viable.  We take benefit reductions so our company can stay fluid.  We increase our work load so that our company can continue to employ us.  We work longer hours because it is needed to complete our work load. 

Those in government service sacrifice by working less and receiving more compensation each year.  Why does it take all of those people to run government?  I forgot....It take all those regulators to keep the sheeple in line.  To snap the whip so that we can continue to pay and pay so they can reap and reap. 

Years ago I saw a cartoon depicting the new Federal Tax form.  There are just two lines. 

Line one:  How much money did you make?

Line two:  Send it in.

That's kind of the way it feels already. 

Those in power will never take my suggestions, even though they could balance the budget THIS YEAR if they would only use them.

Makes too much sense.

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