We all thought we'd fool the political knuckleheads into thinking they could actually be civil during the Christmas season. Boy were we wrong.
I'm still waiting for the real conservative to stand up. Please someone give me a candidate for whom I can vote.
I still won't vote for Mitt Romney. As a conservative he's a real good liberal. Check out amnesty, global warming, etc.
I still won't vote for Newt Gingrich. He doesn't stand in one place long enough to know what he believes in.
I still won't vote for Gov. Perry. He wants to permit blanket amnesty for felons.
I still won't vote for Ron Paul. Withdrawal from the international stage is not in our best interest.
I may be able to vote for Rick Santorum. I don't have a whole lot of faith in his ability to beat the Ayatollah Obama, though.
I can't vote for Michele Bauchmann. She has international criminals on her staff. If she hangs out with that crowd as a candidate, I'm guessing she will continue as president.
Jon Huntsman is more liberal than the Ayatollah Obama. He never met a crisis he didn't believe in.
I would have voted for Herman Cain, and I would have voted for Sarah Palin.
We need a clean candidate who will STAND UP for AMERICA each and every time. Be honest in his dealings with the public, both foreign and domestic, AND PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION. We need a candidate that will close those departments that are not specifically noted in the Constitution, and then strengthen our military, protect our borders, get rid of "political correctness" and be an honest leader.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
The 2nd most sacred celebration
In my mind we are about to enjoy the 2nd most sacred celebration the world has ever known. Tonight and tomorrow we will celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. While we know his actual birthday is in the spring, it is convenient and acceptable to celebrate it now.
Few in the days preceding Jesus' birth knew the importance of what was about to happen. The ancient prophets knew and some historians and scholars of the time recognized the signs and knew, but the general populace had no idea that the great Jehova would present himself as a tiny baby in a most humble circumstance so that he could fulfill prophesy.
Mary knew, of course, that the baby she carried would be the Savior, but she could not have known the pain and suffering that would accompany her son. Joseph knew, but did not know how or why.
Mary was the one righteous enough to be the mother of Jesus. Joseph was the one righteous enough care for the little child and His mother. What a wonderful family. Jesus was not the only child, but He was the only mortal child of Almighty God.
It is a wonderous event. We thank God for the temporary loan of his Son. We thank Jesus Christ for his life upon the earth, the atonement affected in our behalf, and His resurrection. All this so that we have the opportunity to return to that Heavenly Father from whom we all came.
We praise our most powerful, omniscient, righteous Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, whom we worship.
Merry Christmas to all.
Few in the days preceding Jesus' birth knew the importance of what was about to happen. The ancient prophets knew and some historians and scholars of the time recognized the signs and knew, but the general populace had no idea that the great Jehova would present himself as a tiny baby in a most humble circumstance so that he could fulfill prophesy.
Mary knew, of course, that the baby she carried would be the Savior, but she could not have known the pain and suffering that would accompany her son. Joseph knew, but did not know how or why.
Mary was the one righteous enough to be the mother of Jesus. Joseph was the one righteous enough care for the little child and His mother. What a wonderful family. Jesus was not the only child, but He was the only mortal child of Almighty God.
It is a wonderous event. We thank God for the temporary loan of his Son. We thank Jesus Christ for his life upon the earth, the atonement affected in our behalf, and His resurrection. All this so that we have the opportunity to return to that Heavenly Father from whom we all came.
We praise our most powerful, omniscient, righteous Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, whom we worship.
Merry Christmas to all.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Excerpt from my new book-are you interested?
We sat on her mother’s couch visiting about our evening. I knew I wanted to ask her to marry me, but I was so worried that she might laugh me out of the house that I stammered and delayed. I told her that I wanted to tell her something, but I was afraid. She used every wile she could think of to get me to speak up and eventually I did. I said, “I think....” And paused, I was very nervous. My palms were sweating, my heart was pounding, and I was sooo apprehensive of the whole situation.
“What do you think?” she asked.
“Well, I'm not sure I I want to tell you what I think.” I was extremely unsure of myself.
“I’ll wait until you do.” Now the pressure was on me. She sat there quietly waiting for me to speak. She wasn't going to wait for another day, or another week. She was expecting me to speak right then. I suspect she knew what was in my heart, but I didn't know that then.
“I think I want you to be my wife,” I finally got around to saying.
Oh boy! What a response that elicited. There was a little scream and she ran out of the room. What had I done? I wondered if I had offended her. I wondered if she was gone and had left me sitting on her mother’s couch. I wondered if she’d be back. I wondered if I should leave. I wondered if I had made a complete fool of myself. I was an emotional wreck.
What really happened is that she ran to the back of the house to tell her parents that I had proposed to her. But I didn’t know that. I was bewildered. I didn’t know what to do. Should I leave? Should I apologize and say I would never do it again? My mind was running through the possible scenarios and my thoughts were running amuck.
Then she returned. She had a smile a mile wide. She was bouncing. She was beaming. She leaped onto the couch next to me and yelled “YES!” I still hadn’t asked her to marry me. I had only told her what I wanted. I never did propose, officially. She, and I guess I, just assumed we were now engaged. Whew! I could breath again. My sweaty palms could dry. My level of stress could diminish. My anxiety could quiet. My nervousness could quell. My emotions could settle. I was in love!
“What do you think?” she asked.
“Well, I'm not sure I I want to tell you what I think.” I was extremely unsure of myself.
“I’ll wait until you do.” Now the pressure was on me. She sat there quietly waiting for me to speak. She wasn't going to wait for another day, or another week. She was expecting me to speak right then. I suspect she knew what was in my heart, but I didn't know that then.
“I think I want you to be my wife,” I finally got around to saying.
Oh boy! What a response that elicited. There was a little scream and she ran out of the room. What had I done? I wondered if I had offended her. I wondered if she was gone and had left me sitting on her mother’s couch. I wondered if she’d be back. I wondered if I should leave. I wondered if I had made a complete fool of myself. I was an emotional wreck.
What really happened is that she ran to the back of the house to tell her parents that I had proposed to her. But I didn’t know that. I was bewildered. I didn’t know what to do. Should I leave? Should I apologize and say I would never do it again? My mind was running through the possible scenarios and my thoughts were running amuck.
Then she returned. She had a smile a mile wide. She was bouncing. She was beaming. She leaped onto the couch next to me and yelled “YES!” I still hadn’t asked her to marry me. I had only told her what I wanted. I never did propose, officially. She, and I guess I, just assumed we were now engaged. Whew! I could breath again. My sweaty palms could dry. My level of stress could diminish. My anxiety could quiet. My nervousness could quell. My emotions could settle. I was in love!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Embarking Upon a New Season
Let it SNOW!
We've enjoyed some snowfall, here in Paradise, over the last few days. In fact, it is snowing now. I like how clean and fresh the snow leaves the air and the landscape. It's too bad our political discourse can't take a page out of mother nature's book.
Wouldn't it be nice if the election cycle were limited to six months instead of 4 years or longer? I think we'd have a much better turnout and a better election review if campaigning for federal office could not begin until 6 months before the election. I'm sure I'm not the only person that gets tired of all the political clap-trap that goes on the moment an election result is announced. And the next election is 2, 4 or 6 years away!
The electorate is becoming tired of the rhetoric. This group or individual bashing that group or individual. You'd think we have 4 year-olds tattling on each other. Isn't it enough that we get that with our children? We don't need supposed adults running to "mama" (the press) with some juicy tidbit that might bring down a campaign, destroy an individual and/or his family, and make the entire populace uncomfortable. I wonder when good manners went out of fashion. I remember my dear mother telling me something like this, "If you can't say something nice about him, don't say anything at all." I believe slander is slander even when the target is a public personality. I don't especially want to hear it.
To me all this wrangling feels like a war! Indeed there are no violent weapons, but people are destroyed nonetheless. Families are cartwheeled into chaos. Individuals are tossed onto the dung heap of political waste with no consideration at all. I believe those who perpetrate this kind of assassination should be isolated. I suspect it will never happen because people enjoy watching the destruction of others. I don't understand it, but I know that to be the case.
Rodney King, scoundrel that he was, made a good point. "Can't we all just get along?" I think our political lives depend on it.
We've enjoyed some snowfall, here in Paradise, over the last few days. In fact, it is snowing now. I like how clean and fresh the snow leaves the air and the landscape. It's too bad our political discourse can't take a page out of mother nature's book.
Wouldn't it be nice if the election cycle were limited to six months instead of 4 years or longer? I think we'd have a much better turnout and a better election review if campaigning for federal office could not begin until 6 months before the election. I'm sure I'm not the only person that gets tired of all the political clap-trap that goes on the moment an election result is announced. And the next election is 2, 4 or 6 years away!
The electorate is becoming tired of the rhetoric. This group or individual bashing that group or individual. You'd think we have 4 year-olds tattling on each other. Isn't it enough that we get that with our children? We don't need supposed adults running to "mama" (the press) with some juicy tidbit that might bring down a campaign, destroy an individual and/or his family, and make the entire populace uncomfortable. I wonder when good manners went out of fashion. I remember my dear mother telling me something like this, "If you can't say something nice about him, don't say anything at all." I believe slander is slander even when the target is a public personality. I don't especially want to hear it.
To me all this wrangling feels like a war! Indeed there are no violent weapons, but people are destroyed nonetheless. Families are cartwheeled into chaos. Individuals are tossed onto the dung heap of political waste with no consideration at all. I believe those who perpetrate this kind of assassination should be isolated. I suspect it will never happen because people enjoy watching the destruction of others. I don't understand it, but I know that to be the case.
Rodney King, scoundrel that he was, made a good point. "Can't we all just get along?" I think our political lives depend on it.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
And the Nastiness Begins
I wonder when it became more important to run opponents down than to express why our own ideas are more sustainable than theirs are. Are our candidates so void of political ideas that they have to spend their energy in such non-productive ways?
In my perfect political world, ladies and gentlemen would comport themselves in such a way that they could be observed and considered for their ideology and positions rather than "who stinks least." I have been voting for more than 40 years now, and I can't remember a time when I haven't just held my nose and voted for the "stinker" just because he smelled better than the "skunk".
Why cannot politicians be pictures of morality, spiritually and leadership? Why do we not have what we'd like to call "statesmen" anymore. Instead we have a pack of coyotes, whose purpose appears to be to tear others down in order to make themselves look good. Why not simply build up one's own self and let the others be concerned about themselves. At the same time, why worry about what they say? Simply ignore them. Ignore the questions about personal life and get on with the things the office you say you seek requires.
Nobody benefits when the life of one of these candidates and/or his/her family is shattered because of the stupidity of so-called journalists. When I was young we called it "yellow journalism". I think the term still applies. Reporters should report the news. News..not rumors, not hunches. Honest reporters do not seek to glamorize, distort, inflate, or alter news; they only report it. Honest reporters do not go out looking for a way to destroy peoples' lives. Unfortunately we have all too few honest reporters.
Back to the candidates. We have a rather weak field. We can have an Islamist, a Socialist, a Communist, a Social Experimenter, a Thinker, a Centrist, a Rino, a Businessman, an Isolationist, or an conservative. We've already seen what the Islamist/Socialist is like. He needs to be unemployed. The isolationist won't get my vote. The Centrist will also not get my vote, the Social Experimenter is not for me. The Rino is not mine either. So I can choose between the businessman and the conservative. Neither of them exudes confidence.
What to do...what to do. I still lean towards Cain......if he stays in the race. I'd really like to see Sarah drafted at the convention. I think the nation would benefit. I wonder how we can get it done.
In my perfect political world, ladies and gentlemen would comport themselves in such a way that they could be observed and considered for their ideology and positions rather than "who stinks least." I have been voting for more than 40 years now, and I can't remember a time when I haven't just held my nose and voted for the "stinker" just because he smelled better than the "skunk".
Why cannot politicians be pictures of morality, spiritually and leadership? Why do we not have what we'd like to call "statesmen" anymore. Instead we have a pack of coyotes, whose purpose appears to be to tear others down in order to make themselves look good. Why not simply build up one's own self and let the others be concerned about themselves. At the same time, why worry about what they say? Simply ignore them. Ignore the questions about personal life and get on with the things the office you say you seek requires.
Nobody benefits when the life of one of these candidates and/or his/her family is shattered because of the stupidity of so-called journalists. When I was young we called it "yellow journalism". I think the term still applies. Reporters should report the news. News..not rumors, not hunches. Honest reporters do not seek to glamorize, distort, inflate, or alter news; they only report it. Honest reporters do not go out looking for a way to destroy peoples' lives. Unfortunately we have all too few honest reporters.
Back to the candidates. We have a rather weak field. We can have an Islamist, a Socialist, a Communist, a Social Experimenter, a Thinker, a Centrist, a Rino, a Businessman, an Isolationist, or an conservative. We've already seen what the Islamist/Socialist is like. He needs to be unemployed. The isolationist won't get my vote. The Centrist will also not get my vote, the Social Experimenter is not for me. The Rino is not mine either. So I can choose between the businessman and the conservative. Neither of them exudes confidence.
What to do...what to do. I still lean towards Cain......if he stays in the race. I'd really like to see Sarah drafted at the convention. I think the nation would benefit. I wonder how we can get it done.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Shepherd vs. Sheep Herder
Many people do not know the difference between a shepherd and a sheep herder. Today I shall attempt to describe the difference in my own personal way.
A shepherd leads, guides, trains, protects, cares for, worries about, is concerned with regard to his/her flock and each member of it. He/she goes to great length to be sure the flock understands where the flock is headed because he/she is at the head of it as it moves. He/she cares for the emotional/mental/physical health of his/her flock, protecting from harm whether from within or from without. He/she takes pro-active measures to assure the flock is not attacked by enemies that could destroy it. He/she provides for the flock in order to keep the members of it healthy and productive. The shepherd expects no loss from the flock. There is no margin upon which he/she is satisfied. He/she spares no effort to salvage every lamb of the flock.
A sheep herder, on the other hand, pushes a milling flock in an attempt to get it to go the direction he wants it to go without ever giving direction or even a hint as to which way he/she wants the flock to go. He/she merely prevents the flock from going the way he/she does not want it to go and thus forces the flock to move the direction he/she wants it to go. The sheep herder is not concerned with the health of the flock, because he/she is merely an employee hired to do a job. His/her position isn't one of of care and concern, but only one of results. Losses are expected by the sheep herder and he bases his/her "success" on a "margin" of loss.
Similarities could be drawn between these two leadership styles and the types of corporate leaders we see in the business world today. The most effective leaders of the most productive companies are generally those who use the "shepherd" style of leadership. They are they who look for success by training, by teaching, by coaching, and by example. Morale is generally high, incidents of personal injury are low and individual energy and innovative thinking are high.
Companies that struggle, it appears to me, are those who subscribe to the "sheep herder" method. They use force and coercion, intimidation and bullying techniques in order to push their employees. Morale is generally low, incidence of personal injury are relatively higher, individual energy and innovative thinking are relatively low.
I personally use the "shepherd" method of leadership. Unfortunately many of those around me subscribe to the "sheep herder" mentality.
I suspect many of our governmental elites are also "sheep herders" and are not "shepherds". Way too few of our so-called leaders are willing to lead. Instead they follow whatever lead the masses happen to take.
A shepherd leads, guides, trains, protects, cares for, worries about, is concerned with regard to his/her flock and each member of it. He/she goes to great length to be sure the flock understands where the flock is headed because he/she is at the head of it as it moves. He/she cares for the emotional/mental/physical health of his/her flock, protecting from harm whether from within or from without. He/she takes pro-active measures to assure the flock is not attacked by enemies that could destroy it. He/she provides for the flock in order to keep the members of it healthy and productive. The shepherd expects no loss from the flock. There is no margin upon which he/she is satisfied. He/she spares no effort to salvage every lamb of the flock.
A sheep herder, on the other hand, pushes a milling flock in an attempt to get it to go the direction he wants it to go without ever giving direction or even a hint as to which way he/she wants the flock to go. He/she merely prevents the flock from going the way he/she does not want it to go and thus forces the flock to move the direction he/she wants it to go. The sheep herder is not concerned with the health of the flock, because he/she is merely an employee hired to do a job. His/her position isn't one of of care and concern, but only one of results. Losses are expected by the sheep herder and he bases his/her "success" on a "margin" of loss.
Similarities could be drawn between these two leadership styles and the types of corporate leaders we see in the business world today. The most effective leaders of the most productive companies are generally those who use the "shepherd" style of leadership. They are they who look for success by training, by teaching, by coaching, and by example. Morale is generally high, incidents of personal injury are low and individual energy and innovative thinking are high.
Companies that struggle, it appears to me, are those who subscribe to the "sheep herder" method. They use force and coercion, intimidation and bullying techniques in order to push their employees. Morale is generally low, incidence of personal injury are relatively higher, individual energy and innovative thinking are relatively low.
I personally use the "shepherd" method of leadership. Unfortunately many of those around me subscribe to the "sheep herder" mentality.
I suspect many of our governmental elites are also "sheep herders" and are not "shepherds". Way too few of our so-called leaders are willing to lead. Instead they follow whatever lead the masses happen to take.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Still waiting for a candidate to shine
I'm still waiting for a candidate to announce his or her willingness to endorse the "Title of Liberty", which is: "In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives and our children."
I have proposed this test of conservatism in the past and offer it again. Anyone that will endorse this Title of Liberty and will work to see that it is preserved will lead our nation to prosperity and peace. This is meant as a call to vigorously defend our nation against all enemies both foreign and domestic. If one is not for preserving our founding documents and the ideals they present, then they must be considered an enemy.
Our borders must be protected. Our people must be protected physically, emotionally, mentally through military, cyber, psychological, and any other means available.
Our people must be protected from abuses projected from our own government. We must abolish the portions of government that are chronic abusers of our citizens. I've reported those departments that I think are not worthy of being retained in the past because of their unrighteous regulations.
Our elderly and infirm must be protected from abuse. Our widows and orphans must be protected and loved not merely warehoused.
We must return to our churches and synagogues to worship Almighty God.
I have proposed this test of conservatism in the past and offer it again. Anyone that will endorse this Title of Liberty and will work to see that it is preserved will lead our nation to prosperity and peace. This is meant as a call to vigorously defend our nation against all enemies both foreign and domestic. If one is not for preserving our founding documents and the ideals they present, then they must be considered an enemy.
Our borders must be protected. Our people must be protected physically, emotionally, mentally through military, cyber, psychological, and any other means available.
Our people must be protected from abuses projected from our own government. We must abolish the portions of government that are chronic abusers of our citizens. I've reported those departments that I think are not worthy of being retained in the past because of their unrighteous regulations.
Our elderly and infirm must be protected from abuse. Our widows and orphans must be protected and loved not merely warehoused.
We must return to our churches and synagogues to worship Almighty God.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Why I am the way I am
I am a follower of Jesus Christ.
I believe that men and women are responsible for the choices they make. If those choices lead them to wealth, I'm pleased to permit them to retain that wealth. If they choose to share that wealth to those who are less fortunate than they are, I am also pleased. I'm less pleased when men/women make choices that will lead to financial ruin and public humiliation, but they most often make those choices themselves.
I am pleased when our young people choose to serve the Lord and then choose to serve our nation in whatever capacity. Three of my sons followed in my footsteps and served as missionaries. Two of my sons have served or are serving in the military. One as a Navy Submarine Electronics Tech, and one as an Air Force Combat Electronics Tech. I am not less pleased with my children who have chosen not to thus serve, however. I am very pleased that my daughters have presented me with grandchildren. I'm looking forward to the day when my sons will follow suit so that I will have someone to perpetuate the family name.
I am pleased when our young people seek to become educated. In my mind education does not end in the colleges and universities, but rather begins with the rather liberal, mind-numbing drivel that is spread there. The real education comes with learning how that training fits in with the real-life adventure that begins afterward. The real education comes after the shiny theory is dulled with the scouring, eye-opening experience of life.
I'm pleased whenever a person finally admits that the utopian thought he/she learned in philosophy was just theory, or that the economic theory learned in school was a model that didn't work in reality. I'm pleased when one of these people is willing to share what they have finally learned with young people in terms they can understand.
I'm please to be acquainted with associates that have learned many of the same life lessons that I've learned.
I guess I'm just pretty pleased.
I believe that men and women are responsible for the choices they make. If those choices lead them to wealth, I'm pleased to permit them to retain that wealth. If they choose to share that wealth to those who are less fortunate than they are, I am also pleased. I'm less pleased when men/women make choices that will lead to financial ruin and public humiliation, but they most often make those choices themselves.
I am pleased when our young people choose to serve the Lord and then choose to serve our nation in whatever capacity. Three of my sons followed in my footsteps and served as missionaries. Two of my sons have served or are serving in the military. One as a Navy Submarine Electronics Tech, and one as an Air Force Combat Electronics Tech. I am not less pleased with my children who have chosen not to thus serve, however. I am very pleased that my daughters have presented me with grandchildren. I'm looking forward to the day when my sons will follow suit so that I will have someone to perpetuate the family name.
I am pleased when our young people seek to become educated. In my mind education does not end in the colleges and universities, but rather begins with the rather liberal, mind-numbing drivel that is spread there. The real education comes with learning how that training fits in with the real-life adventure that begins afterward. The real education comes after the shiny theory is dulled with the scouring, eye-opening experience of life.
I'm pleased whenever a person finally admits that the utopian thought he/she learned in philosophy was just theory, or that the economic theory learned in school was a model that didn't work in reality. I'm pleased when one of these people is willing to share what they have finally learned with young people in terms they can understand.
I'm please to be acquainted with associates that have learned many of the same life lessons that I've learned.
I guess I'm just pretty pleased.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Republicrat "debates"
These so-called debates are driving me crazy. I wonder why any of these people who aspire to be president would agree to be questioned by an ultra liberal moderator. The questions were not what I'd call substantive and did not convince me of anything. I want to know these things.
1. Will you protect the border and enforce immigration law?
2. Will you work to set American English as the "National language"?
3. Will you fight to maintain our Christian foundational roots?
4. Will you return government to its constitutional limits?
5. Will you protect American workers by stopping "dumping" by foreign nations?
6. Will you work to de-fund the following: the United Nations, the department of Education, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Homeland Security (should be integrated into the department of Interior anyway), the EPA, most of the Department of Transportation, most of the Department of Agriculture, most of the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Energy, The Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Labor, Department of Veteran Affairs (reintegrate back into Department of Defense where it belongs).
Then I can begin to make a decision.
1. Will you protect the border and enforce immigration law?
2. Will you work to set American English as the "National language"?
3. Will you fight to maintain our Christian foundational roots?
4. Will you return government to its constitutional limits?
5. Will you protect American workers by stopping "dumping" by foreign nations?
6. Will you work to de-fund the following: the United Nations, the department of Education, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Homeland Security (should be integrated into the department of Interior anyway), the EPA, most of the Department of Transportation, most of the Department of Agriculture, most of the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Energy, The Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Labor, Department of Veteran Affairs (reintegrate back into Department of Defense where it belongs).
Then I can begin to make a decision.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
My current choice
Unless Mr. Cain falls on his face he will get my vote in the primary for the following reasons:
1. He is pro-life.
2. He is anxious for every citizen to participate in our nation.
3. He is interested in protecting our nation and not merely talking about it.
4. He wants each citizen to exercise his/her own choices and take his/her responsibility for those choices.
5. He believes in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost.
6. He is pro-founding documents.
That's reason enough for me.
1. He is pro-life.
2. He is anxious for every citizen to participate in our nation.
3. He is interested in protecting our nation and not merely talking about it.
4. He wants each citizen to exercise his/her own choices and take his/her responsibility for those choices.
5. He believes in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost.
6. He is pro-founding documents.
That's reason enough for me.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Politics by rote
I wonder when these politicians will get it. It appears to me that they all spout the same drivel, just in different terms. I haven't heard any ideas that will turn my head or make me vote for any one individual. Here's what I need.
I need a candidate to say:
1. Embargo Chinese goods and put Americans back to work producing goods. Ease up on regulations that have forced manufacturers overseas. I can't imagine that China produces anything that cannot be produced here and yet I can't find much in the way of hardware that is made in the USA.
2. Shut off the import sources of oil and get American oil back in the pipeline. Let the wild-cat producers get back to work. De-regulate the production of energy. We have more resources in the United States than anywhere else in the world. Let's get it producing.
3. We have thousands of miles of coast line where there are trillions of acre/feet of water. We have the knowledge and capability to produce fresh water from that source. Ask any aircraft carrier engineer. We have the ability and yet we don't use it. Why do we even think about drouth? we should be using the resources we have. California should not be thinking of Colorado River water when it has the largest source of water in the world on its front porch and some of the greatest scientists available in some of the best schools in the world .
4. Politicians worry about some of the dumbest things. Let's worry about the things that affect US first. When we get pretty good with that, then perhaps we can help our neighbors with their needs. So far we've been so buried helping people all the way around the world, we don't have time to take care of our own citizen's needs. Bring the troops home. Take care of our borders, Set up DEFENSE and not OFFENSE.
5. Get back to our roots. Let's get on our knees and ask God for forgiveness. We've forgotten Him. We need to get back to studying the Holy Scriptures, praying, holding family time, attending church and taking care of our elderly. We can and will become the most prosperous nation on earth if we'll do these few simple things. I know God will get us through these hard times if we let Him, but He won't make us.
I need a candidate to say:
1. Embargo Chinese goods and put Americans back to work producing goods. Ease up on regulations that have forced manufacturers overseas. I can't imagine that China produces anything that cannot be produced here and yet I can't find much in the way of hardware that is made in the USA.
2. Shut off the import sources of oil and get American oil back in the pipeline. Let the wild-cat producers get back to work. De-regulate the production of energy. We have more resources in the United States than anywhere else in the world. Let's get it producing.
3. We have thousands of miles of coast line where there are trillions of acre/feet of water. We have the knowledge and capability to produce fresh water from that source. Ask any aircraft carrier engineer. We have the ability and yet we don't use it. Why do we even think about drouth? we should be using the resources we have. California should not be thinking of Colorado River water when it has the largest source of water in the world on its front porch and some of the greatest scientists available in some of the best schools in the world .
4. Politicians worry about some of the dumbest things. Let's worry about the things that affect US first. When we get pretty good with that, then perhaps we can help our neighbors with their needs. So far we've been so buried helping people all the way around the world, we don't have time to take care of our own citizen's needs. Bring the troops home. Take care of our borders, Set up DEFENSE and not OFFENSE.
5. Get back to our roots. Let's get on our knees and ask God for forgiveness. We've forgotten Him. We need to get back to studying the Holy Scriptures, praying, holding family time, attending church and taking care of our elderly. We can and will become the most prosperous nation on earth if we'll do these few simple things. I know God will get us through these hard times if we let Him, but He won't make us.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Conservative candidates?
I wonder when we'll see a genuine conservative candidate. Up to now, none of the leading candidates have shown that they will follow through with the values that I hold dear. I have issues with those who profess to be conservative, but who's record prove otherwise.
I cannot and will not vote for Mr. Huntsman. He is a horrible centrist who will face away from the wind no matter which way it blows. It has nothing whatever to do with religion and everything to do with character.
I cannot and will not vote for Mr. Perry. He wants to offer amnesty to felons.
I cannot and will not vote for Ms. Bachmann. She has people on her staff that qualify as international criminals.
I cannot and will not vote for Mr. Gingrich. He has questionable personal morals.
Ron Paul is soft on crime. Conservatives are not.
I will not likely vote for Mr. Romney. He has shown indications of socialistic views.
I would like Mr. Cain to show a little more. I like what I've heard so far. But I haven't heard enough.
I like Mrs. Palin and I'd like her to declare.
In my view, there are only two possible candidates that can get my vote. Mr. Cain and Mrs Palin. It all boils down to this....Protect our borders. Stand on our culture. Get our language to the forefront. Stop product dumping in our country by China and protect our jobs.
I cannot and will not vote for Mr. Huntsman. He is a horrible centrist who will face away from the wind no matter which way it blows. It has nothing whatever to do with religion and everything to do with character.
I cannot and will not vote for Mr. Perry. He wants to offer amnesty to felons.
I cannot and will not vote for Ms. Bachmann. She has people on her staff that qualify as international criminals.
I cannot and will not vote for Mr. Gingrich. He has questionable personal morals.
Ron Paul is soft on crime. Conservatives are not.
I will not likely vote for Mr. Romney. He has shown indications of socialistic views.
I would like Mr. Cain to show a little more. I like what I've heard so far. But I haven't heard enough.
I like Mrs. Palin and I'd like her to declare.
In my view, there are only two possible candidates that can get my vote. Mr. Cain and Mrs Palin. It all boils down to this....Protect our borders. Stand on our culture. Get our language to the forefront. Stop product dumping in our country by China and protect our jobs.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Some of my political thinking
Some of you may be a little confused with my political thinking. Here are some points I think I believe:
1. I believe it is important for a people to assure its elderly a dignified quality of life. Does that mean a life of luxury? No. It means a simple life free of worry. It means individuals should bear first responsibility, immediate families should bear next responsibility, churches should be next and government should only be used when all else fails.
2. I believe it is important for a people to assure a dignified quality of life to bona-fide disabled people. Again through the same process as above. Disability should be qualified through teams including teams made up of personal medical, clergy, and psychological attendants, and not through disability "professionals" or through any particular governmental agency.
3. I believe it is necessary that each man provide for his family's needs. If he is unable he is to seek help through the same means as above, and seek training through those same means until he can provide for his family's needs. Families should learn to live more simply. Families without a husband/father should be provided support without need for mother to work. See #4 below.
4. I believe it is necessary that women be home with the children to teach them to honor, and respect society and how to become a good citizen. Mothers should teach the children to pray and to be ready for school. Families should be the primary educational institution for children, but should utilize schools to assist them. Families should not depend on pre-schools for the training of their children.
5. I believe it is necessary for adults to become politically active in selecting good, honest, upright, level-headed people to lead and not permit "good talkers" to pervade political thought. Good, honest, upright, level-headed people should be encouraged to run for political office if for no other reason than to keep the other kind out of office.
6. I believe government must live within its means. I believe taxes should be no more than 10% of GNP. I believe that every adult that lives in our nation, regardless of income, should participate in paying its bills. In that way each person takes ownership in our nation.
7. I believe elected office should be limited to two terms. More time causes more corruption.
8. I believe a return to our political roots is imperative if our nation is to survive.
9. I believe the founding documents should be our guiding documents now.
1. I believe it is important for a people to assure its elderly a dignified quality of life. Does that mean a life of luxury? No. It means a simple life free of worry. It means individuals should bear first responsibility, immediate families should bear next responsibility, churches should be next and government should only be used when all else fails.
2. I believe it is important for a people to assure a dignified quality of life to bona-fide disabled people. Again through the same process as above. Disability should be qualified through teams including teams made up of personal medical, clergy, and psychological attendants, and not through disability "professionals" or through any particular governmental agency.
3. I believe it is necessary that each man provide for his family's needs. If he is unable he is to seek help through the same means as above, and seek training through those same means until he can provide for his family's needs. Families should learn to live more simply. Families without a husband/father should be provided support without need for mother to work. See #4 below.
4. I believe it is necessary that women be home with the children to teach them to honor, and respect society and how to become a good citizen. Mothers should teach the children to pray and to be ready for school. Families should be the primary educational institution for children, but should utilize schools to assist them. Families should not depend on pre-schools for the training of their children.
5. I believe it is necessary for adults to become politically active in selecting good, honest, upright, level-headed people to lead and not permit "good talkers" to pervade political thought. Good, honest, upright, level-headed people should be encouraged to run for political office if for no other reason than to keep the other kind out of office.
6. I believe government must live within its means. I believe taxes should be no more than 10% of GNP. I believe that every adult that lives in our nation, regardless of income, should participate in paying its bills. In that way each person takes ownership in our nation.
7. I believe elected office should be limited to two terms. More time causes more corruption.
8. I believe a return to our political roots is imperative if our nation is to survive.
9. I believe the founding documents should be our guiding documents now.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
The federal government needs counseling.
When one has an addiction and they recognize it, he or she generally will go for counseling. The federal government, however, has an addiction, recognizes it, doesn't have a desire to overcome it, has many enablers, and refuses to use the services of a qualified counselor.
The addiction is debt. The enablers are non-elected governmental employes and many elected representatives of equally addicted people. Here are some observations I've made over the years.
Education: The government has made addicts of our youth by guarantees of "Student Loans". The loans are vast sums of money given to so-called institutions of higher education. The loans incurred over a 4-6 year period are so much money that it takes many graduates dozens of years to repay them causing interest to accumulate on interest. Some of these loans are never repaid, so they are paid with tax dollars. I remember my father telling me that he worked two full time jobs and went to school to get his education. He paid as he went. I guess the students of today are not as capable as the students of yesteryear.
Because of federal and state and union intervention in our education system we now have 1:1 ratios of educators actually working in the classroom to administrators and "staff". And we are concerned with student-teacher ratios? I'd rather have more teachers and drastically reduce administrators and staff.
Health: Government intrusion into individual lives has cost the taxpayers untold billions of dollars. The result is that many treatments for chronic cases go unused because the FDA has yet to give its blessing. Many traditional treatments, which are effective, are condemned by the Department of Health because they haven't been developed using its own funded researchers. Medical usage of natural substances are illegal only because the feds cannot tax them.
Transportation: How much money is wasted by government in regulating that which it doesn't understand? How long will we put up with wasteful regulations, costly procedures, expensive and ineffective tracking devices, and invasive and unneeded investigations.
Energy: I might be very uninformed, but it seems to me that the Department of Energy produces nothing but regulations.
EPA: What a waste of human intelligence! The conclusions reached in the name of environmental protection are ludicrous. And then when they are proven to be incorrect, the answer is, "but it ought to be right."
Homeland Security: Divisive, invasive, overbearing, quasi-nazi, and racist. I can think of nothing good to say about this Department of Insecurity.
Foreign Aid: Why do we continue to support nations that don't like us, abuse our people, and support terrorists that want to kill us.
I say defund them all. Budget is balanced without any additional taxes.
The addiction is debt. The enablers are non-elected governmental employes and many elected representatives of equally addicted people. Here are some observations I've made over the years.
Education: The government has made addicts of our youth by guarantees of "Student Loans". The loans are vast sums of money given to so-called institutions of higher education. The loans incurred over a 4-6 year period are so much money that it takes many graduates dozens of years to repay them causing interest to accumulate on interest. Some of these loans are never repaid, so they are paid with tax dollars. I remember my father telling me that he worked two full time jobs and went to school to get his education. He paid as he went. I guess the students of today are not as capable as the students of yesteryear.
Because of federal and state and union intervention in our education system we now have 1:1 ratios of educators actually working in the classroom to administrators and "staff". And we are concerned with student-teacher ratios? I'd rather have more teachers and drastically reduce administrators and staff.
Health: Government intrusion into individual lives has cost the taxpayers untold billions of dollars. The result is that many treatments for chronic cases go unused because the FDA has yet to give its blessing. Many traditional treatments, which are effective, are condemned by the Department of Health because they haven't been developed using its own funded researchers. Medical usage of natural substances are illegal only because the feds cannot tax them.
Transportation: How much money is wasted by government in regulating that which it doesn't understand? How long will we put up with wasteful regulations, costly procedures, expensive and ineffective tracking devices, and invasive and unneeded investigations.
Energy: I might be very uninformed, but it seems to me that the Department of Energy produces nothing but regulations.
EPA: What a waste of human intelligence! The conclusions reached in the name of environmental protection are ludicrous. And then when they are proven to be incorrect, the answer is, "but it ought to be right."
Homeland Security: Divisive, invasive, overbearing, quasi-nazi, and racist. I can think of nothing good to say about this Department of Insecurity.
Foreign Aid: Why do we continue to support nations that don't like us, abuse our people, and support terrorists that want to kill us.
I say defund them all. Budget is balanced without any additional taxes.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Another visit with my doctor
I went back to see my doctor today. I can't seem to get my blood pressure under control and while I was there I got some report back on the tests that have thus far been done.
1. I have nothing but ideas growing in my head.
2. I have sharp brainwave activity. I'm not real sure what "sharp" brainwaves are, but that's what I'm told.
3. I have no clots or restrictions or abnormalities in my blood vessels in my head.
4. I still don 't know what is causing my "episodes".
I guess that's why they call it practice.
1. I have nothing but ideas growing in my head.
2. I have sharp brainwave activity. I'm not real sure what "sharp" brainwaves are, but that's what I'm told.
3. I have no clots or restrictions or abnormalities in my blood vessels in my head.
4. I still don 't know what is causing my "episodes".
I guess that's why they call it practice.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Family Conference
We are having a wonderful weekend. My family has gathered together, at one time or another, to enjoy our good times. All 6 of my living children will have participated by the time we are finished as well as an adopted daughter.
On Friday we enjoyed some time with our "'tweens and teens" grandchildren. My princess bride and I spoke of our love for them and then gave them some advise regarding their lives. We read from the scriptures and talked about the things that mean most. Honesty, integrity, honoring parents and grandparents were some of the topics we discussed. We talked about our heritage; that we are sons and daughters of Heavenly Father. We spoke of our responsibility, as given by God, to teach the children repentance, respect for deity and each other. We spoke of the responsibilities children have to honor their parents (and grandparents). We seem to have a lack of respect in our 2nd generation of descendants, so we felt it imperative to speak to them.
Tonight (saturday), we spoke to our children and their children about our love for each of them. We spoke about some memories that each has locked away, but haven't talked about for some time. Many wonderful stories came about our family's time together when our children were little. Wonderful memories were told. We barbeque'd and enjoyed each other's company for way too late.
In total we have had 7 children, and 10 grand children here. We played in the lake, we ate nearly nonstop today.
I'll post more later.
On Friday we enjoyed some time with our "'tweens and teens" grandchildren. My princess bride and I spoke of our love for them and then gave them some advise regarding their lives. We read from the scriptures and talked about the things that mean most. Honesty, integrity, honoring parents and grandparents were some of the topics we discussed. We talked about our heritage; that we are sons and daughters of Heavenly Father. We spoke of our responsibility, as given by God, to teach the children repentance, respect for deity and each other. We spoke of the responsibilities children have to honor their parents (and grandparents). We seem to have a lack of respect in our 2nd generation of descendants, so we felt it imperative to speak to them.
Tonight (saturday), we spoke to our children and their children about our love for each of them. We spoke about some memories that each has locked away, but haven't talked about for some time. Many wonderful stories came about our family's time together when our children were little. Wonderful memories were told. We barbeque'd and enjoyed each other's company for way too late.
In total we have had 7 children, and 10 grand children here. We played in the lake, we ate nearly nonstop today.
I'll post more later.
Friday, July 22, 2011
The torture tube (part 2)
So since we didn't get all the torture done the first time I confronted the torture tube, the doctor decided I needed to go back for some more. Evidently I didn't howl long or hard enough because I had to go back. This time I was sent to a different facility to engage the enemy. The doctor must have known my situation because he ordered 15 mg of Valium instead of the normal 5 mg.
I was nervous about taking that much Valium, so I only took two 5 mg tabs about 1'15" before going to face the dragon. About 30 minutes later I was floating above the ground pretty well and my adopted daughter insisted she drive me to the hospital. When I got there I thought I was pretty funny.
Receptionist: "Could you give me your name?"
Me: "I'm just me."
Receptionist: "Would you tell me exactly who 'me' is?"
Me: "Mrs. Black's son."
Receptionist (who was beginning to seem a little grim): "I need your name and birthday!"
Me: "Oh"
and then I gave her what she wanted. In the mean time, I was laughing hysterically because I thought I was so funny.
Then they took me into a little room and told me to change out of my clothing into that modest gown that hospitals use so I could get into the MRI machine. By this time I was pretty much out in space mentally. I did get changed and went out into the waiting area. The tech came and got me. When we got into the room where the machine is, he told me: "this machine is a little smaller than the one you used last week".
"WHAT?" I exclaimed. "You have got to be kidding!"
"Nope," he said. "Not only that, it is much louder too."
Oh boy. This was going to be a disaster. Even though I was in drug induced flight, I knew this was not going to be good.
I got on the sled and went into the machine without too much trouble, but it was kind of like trying to stuff 3 lbs of hamburger into a 1 lb package. I was only inside for 13 minutes, so it wasn't real bad.
After it was all over and the tech sent me back to the dressing room, it took quite a while for me to find which way to put my trousers on. I couldn't find the waist so I could put my legs in. Then my shirt was upside down and I had trouble getting it on. I did wind up getting dressed, but after looking in the mirror, I noticed that my shirt buttons were in the wrong holes, so had to do it over again.
When I finally got myself together and out into the waiting room again, I called my adopted daughter to come fetch me. I sat there waiting for her. A few minutes later I heard this AWFUL noise. I looked around to see from whence it came and didn't see any obvious source so I asked the receptionist what was making that terrible noise.
She looked at me incredulously and said........."YOU WERE SNORING!"
I had to leave the area because I was so embarrassed.
I was nervous about taking that much Valium, so I only took two 5 mg tabs about 1'15" before going to face the dragon. About 30 minutes later I was floating above the ground pretty well and my adopted daughter insisted she drive me to the hospital. When I got there I thought I was pretty funny.
Receptionist: "Could you give me your name?"
Me: "I'm just me."
Receptionist: "Would you tell me exactly who 'me' is?"
Me: "Mrs. Black's son."
Receptionist (who was beginning to seem a little grim): "I need your name and birthday!"
Me: "Oh"
and then I gave her what she wanted. In the mean time, I was laughing hysterically because I thought I was so funny.
Then they took me into a little room and told me to change out of my clothing into that modest gown that hospitals use so I could get into the MRI machine. By this time I was pretty much out in space mentally. I did get changed and went out into the waiting area. The tech came and got me. When we got into the room where the machine is, he told me: "this machine is a little smaller than the one you used last week".
"WHAT?" I exclaimed. "You have got to be kidding!"
"Nope," he said. "Not only that, it is much louder too."
Oh boy. This was going to be a disaster. Even though I was in drug induced flight, I knew this was not going to be good.
I got on the sled and went into the machine without too much trouble, but it was kind of like trying to stuff 3 lbs of hamburger into a 1 lb package. I was only inside for 13 minutes, so it wasn't real bad.
After it was all over and the tech sent me back to the dressing room, it took quite a while for me to find which way to put my trousers on. I couldn't find the waist so I could put my legs in. Then my shirt was upside down and I had trouble getting it on. I did wind up getting dressed, but after looking in the mirror, I noticed that my shirt buttons were in the wrong holes, so had to do it over again.
When I finally got myself together and out into the waiting room again, I called my adopted daughter to come fetch me. I sat there waiting for her. A few minutes later I heard this AWFUL noise. I looked around to see from whence it came and didn't see any obvious source so I asked the receptionist what was making that terrible noise.
She looked at me incredulously and said........."YOU WERE SNORING!"
I had to leave the area because I was so embarrassed.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Time to put some controls on the US Senate
It is time to let the US Senate feel the same pain that we showed the House last year. We need to vote out this bunch of self-inflated, overbearing, overspending, knuckleheads that want to increase spending.
We finally got it across to the majority of the House of Representatives that we want responsible government. Most of those whom we collectively installed understand the mood of the American people, but evidently the Senate hasn't yet received the message. It is already understood that the Ayatollah Barry Obama doesn't get it, but I, at least, thought our representatives in both houses of the legislative branch did.
Vote the bums out of office. The Mitch McConnell proposal will destroy this nation. He knows it, the Democrats know it, Mr. Obama know it and we know it. If they progress it, we need to find out who voted for it and get them out.
We need the plan the House put forward today. It has some warts, but it is the best plan so far presented. I have said how I'd do it if I were given the opportunity, but I'm just a lowly taxpayer. I'm not one of the elites who know better than anyone else.
Slim down the government, slim down foreign payments. Stop supporting the UN, Close departments not specifically mentioned in our founding documents. Promote domestic oil exploration and exploitation. Promote coal. Promote founding small business without such heavy regulation and licensing. Stop the citizen harassment and be leaders and not nazi storm troopers.
We finally got it across to the majority of the House of Representatives that we want responsible government. Most of those whom we collectively installed understand the mood of the American people, but evidently the Senate hasn't yet received the message. It is already understood that the Ayatollah Barry Obama doesn't get it, but I, at least, thought our representatives in both houses of the legislative branch did.
Vote the bums out of office. The Mitch McConnell proposal will destroy this nation. He knows it, the Democrats know it, Mr. Obama know it and we know it. If they progress it, we need to find out who voted for it and get them out.
We need the plan the House put forward today. It has some warts, but it is the best plan so far presented. I have said how I'd do it if I were given the opportunity, but I'm just a lowly taxpayer. I'm not one of the elites who know better than anyone else.
Slim down the government, slim down foreign payments. Stop supporting the UN, Close departments not specifically mentioned in our founding documents. Promote domestic oil exploration and exploitation. Promote coal. Promote founding small business without such heavy regulation and licensing. Stop the citizen harassment and be leaders and not nazi storm troopers.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The National Budget Mess
So the Ayatollah Barry Obama said this week that 80% of Americans WANT more taxes. I'm wondering where that poll came from. I don't know anyone that thinks more taxes will resolve this debt issue. I agree with many who have opined that this is not a revenue issue, but rather a spending issue.
Here is the thing. Mr. Obama wants to tax upper income individuals. I remember back when it was decided the way to increase revenue is to tax personal yacht purchases. The problem was that it put yacht makers out of business because people were simply purchasing their yachts overseas. Today a similar situation exists. Taxing higher income folks will damage the livelyhood of those who can least afford it.
Example 1. Citizen earns $300,000.00 per year. He purchases an estate and hires people to care for it. If Citizen pays more taxes, the likely hood is that he will not purchase the estate and will not hire help. Therefore, the builder of the estate is out of work along with his workers, and the domestic help that would have been hired are also out of work.
Exampls 2. Citizen earns $1.3M, and decides to open a business. Along come new taxes and he decides perhaps he will bank the money rather than just give it to government through higher employment taxes and increased regulation, and more personal income tax. He decides that he will open his business in Mexico or India, because they are more business friendly. Therefore, the building he would use is not rented, the employees he would have hired are still out of work and the economy for many people stagnates.
Money is like water. In order for it to remain fresh it must circulate. Unfortunately, when money is given to the Government, much of it winds up in the pockets of undesirables.
Government must learn to live less large. I have said many time how that should be done. The crises could be resolved THIS YEAR if the knuckleheads in Washington would just do what they were sent to do.
Our representatives were not sent to Washington the make laws, but rather to protect us from unrighteous government. However, these representatives get perverted by the power they perceive themselves to have. They think they just HAVE to make laws, because they are in congress. I say now they must repent and be about OUR business and not about their own.
Mr. Obama also needs to understand. He is becoming the American Hitler. Oppression of the masses will foster revolt. The tea party started it, but the populace will finish it if government can't get itself under control.
Here is the thing. Mr. Obama wants to tax upper income individuals. I remember back when it was decided the way to increase revenue is to tax personal yacht purchases. The problem was that it put yacht makers out of business because people were simply purchasing their yachts overseas. Today a similar situation exists. Taxing higher income folks will damage the livelyhood of those who can least afford it.
Example 1. Citizen earns $300,000.00 per year. He purchases an estate and hires people to care for it. If Citizen pays more taxes, the likely hood is that he will not purchase the estate and will not hire help. Therefore, the builder of the estate is out of work along with his workers, and the domestic help that would have been hired are also out of work.
Exampls 2. Citizen earns $1.3M, and decides to open a business. Along come new taxes and he decides perhaps he will bank the money rather than just give it to government through higher employment taxes and increased regulation, and more personal income tax. He decides that he will open his business in Mexico or India, because they are more business friendly. Therefore, the building he would use is not rented, the employees he would have hired are still out of work and the economy for many people stagnates.
Money is like water. In order for it to remain fresh it must circulate. Unfortunately, when money is given to the Government, much of it winds up in the pockets of undesirables.
Government must learn to live less large. I have said many time how that should be done. The crises could be resolved THIS YEAR if the knuckleheads in Washington would just do what they were sent to do.
Our representatives were not sent to Washington the make laws, but rather to protect us from unrighteous government. However, these representatives get perverted by the power they perceive themselves to have. They think they just HAVE to make laws, because they are in congress. I say now they must repent and be about OUR business and not about their own.
Mr. Obama also needs to understand. He is becoming the American Hitler. Oppression of the masses will foster revolt. The tea party started it, but the populace will finish it if government can't get itself under control.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Back to the Torture Tube
So when the tests are not definitive, you get to do more tests. I had MRI/MRA this week, but I get to enjoy MRV now. We're going to see if I have anything running around in the veins of my brain.
My doctor called yesterday to tell me the results of MRI/MRA. He said they could see my ears, but didn't notice anything between them. I'm pretty sure he meant nothing unusual beween them.
I saw the Neurologist today. I will undergo EEG, Nerve Conduction Study, the MRV, and then we'll talk some more. He suspects that I had a seizure instead of a mini-stroke. So here we go.
More when I know something...
My doctor called yesterday to tell me the results of MRI/MRA. He said they could see my ears, but didn't notice anything between them. I'm pretty sure he meant nothing unusual beween them.
I saw the Neurologist today. I will undergo EEG, Nerve Conduction Study, the MRV, and then we'll talk some more. He suspects that I had a seizure instead of a mini-stroke. So here we go.
More when I know something...
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
MRI /MRA - Torture in a tube
I wonder who invented the Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine. He/She must be a sadistic individual. Why would one purposely put himself through such a nightmare? In my case it was to see what is going on with my brain.
It was an interesting experience. I am mildly claustrophobic, so I requested a sedative before I underwent the procedure. It was a good thing. I'm rather large. 6'2" and well over 300 lbs. The insurance carrier I have wouldn't permit a so-called open MRI, so I had to use the conventional machine. They put me on this flimsy sled devise, put a helmet over my head and told me not to move my head. Then they said, "this will take about 12 minutes. Here's some ear plugs because it will get pretty noisy." The sled wouldn't take me inside the machine, so they had two gorillas shove me into a tiny little tube. My arms were pressed against my belly, my elbows ground against the wall of the tube, and my belly rubbed against the top of the tube if I took a deep breath.
Pretty noisy? WOW! Jet engines with afterburners lit don't make that much noise. After about 2 weeks inside the infernal thing it stopped, and I slid out. They said they had kept me a little longer than planned. I was in there 14 minutes. I thought I was done. Silly me.
I was done with the MRI....but...The doctor had also ordered MRA, whatever that is. AND ordered with and without contrast. So...The two gorillas that shoved me into the machine the first time, did so again. The thing began to blast like a flock of jack hammers going all at once and then the jet engine began to roar again. Nearly a month later it all got quiet, and the sled pulled me back out of the machine. 15 minutes that time. Done? Nope.
They had to inject some kind of dye in my veins so they could begin the torture again. I was ready to tell them all the secrets I had. I began to wonder if water boarding could be any worse than this. The gorillas shoved me back into the machine again and told me that this would be the longest one. It was a little different though. No jack hammers, no jet engine. HOWEVER. someone with a little tack hammer beat on the left side 6 times and then someone on the right side rang a little bell 5 times, back and forth and over and over. I lost count of how many times. THEN started the jet engine.
Finally it was quiet again and out I came. I was only in this time for 12 minutes.
Maybe in a couple of days I'll be sane again and will learn what the torturers found.
It was an interesting experience. I am mildly claustrophobic, so I requested a sedative before I underwent the procedure. It was a good thing. I'm rather large. 6'2" and well over 300 lbs. The insurance carrier I have wouldn't permit a so-called open MRI, so I had to use the conventional machine. They put me on this flimsy sled devise, put a helmet over my head and told me not to move my head. Then they said, "this will take about 12 minutes. Here's some ear plugs because it will get pretty noisy." The sled wouldn't take me inside the machine, so they had two gorillas shove me into a tiny little tube. My arms were pressed against my belly, my elbows ground against the wall of the tube, and my belly rubbed against the top of the tube if I took a deep breath.
Pretty noisy? WOW! Jet engines with afterburners lit don't make that much noise. After about 2 weeks inside the infernal thing it stopped, and I slid out. They said they had kept me a little longer than planned. I was in there 14 minutes. I thought I was done. Silly me.
I was done with the MRI....but...The doctor had also ordered MRA, whatever that is. AND ordered with and without contrast. So...The two gorillas that shoved me into the machine the first time, did so again. The thing began to blast like a flock of jack hammers going all at once and then the jet engine began to roar again. Nearly a month later it all got quiet, and the sled pulled me back out of the machine. 15 minutes that time. Done? Nope.
They had to inject some kind of dye in my veins so they could begin the torture again. I was ready to tell them all the secrets I had. I began to wonder if water boarding could be any worse than this. The gorillas shoved me back into the machine again and told me that this would be the longest one. It was a little different though. No jack hammers, no jet engine. HOWEVER. someone with a little tack hammer beat on the left side 6 times and then someone on the right side rang a little bell 5 times, back and forth and over and over. I lost count of how many times. THEN started the jet engine.
Finally it was quiet again and out I came. I was only in this time for 12 minutes.
Maybe in a couple of days I'll be sane again and will learn what the torturers found.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
"We all have to sacrifice"
The Ayatollah-in-chief, Mr. Obama, says that we all need to tighten our belts and "sacrifice". Now I wonder exactly what he means. He just gave his staffers a raise. I haven't seen a raise in over 6 years. The cost of living increases conveniently do not count the cost of gasoline for the little people, but evidently for the elitists, every little penny counts.
So these people, who should be working as interns because of the very high salaries they will gain when they leave government service, make 3 times the national average. They are not 3 times as smart. They are not 3 times as educated. They ARE 3 times as ignorant of conditions in the USA today.
I guess when we are in a budget crunch, the thing to do is raise government salaries. I wonder if my company would go for that. When we struggle for existence, we should raise salaries. However, that isn't the way the real world works. We, in the real world, take pay cuts so that our company can stay viable. We take benefit reductions so our company can stay fluid. We increase our work load so that our company can continue to employ us. We work longer hours because it is needed to complete our work load.
Those in government service sacrifice by working less and receiving more compensation each year. Why does it take all of those people to run government? I forgot....It take all those regulators to keep the sheeple in line. To snap the whip so that we can continue to pay and pay so they can reap and reap.
Years ago I saw a cartoon depicting the new Federal Tax form. There are just two lines.
Line one: How much money did you make?
Line two: Send it in.
That's kind of the way it feels already.
Those in power will never take my suggestions, even though they could balance the budget THIS YEAR if they would only use them.
Makes too much sense.
So these people, who should be working as interns because of the very high salaries they will gain when they leave government service, make 3 times the national average. They are not 3 times as smart. They are not 3 times as educated. They ARE 3 times as ignorant of conditions in the USA today.
I guess when we are in a budget crunch, the thing to do is raise government salaries. I wonder if my company would go for that. When we struggle for existence, we should raise salaries. However, that isn't the way the real world works. We, in the real world, take pay cuts so that our company can stay viable. We take benefit reductions so our company can stay fluid. We increase our work load so that our company can continue to employ us. We work longer hours because it is needed to complete our work load.
Those in government service sacrifice by working less and receiving more compensation each year. Why does it take all of those people to run government? I forgot....It take all those regulators to keep the sheeple in line. To snap the whip so that we can continue to pay and pay so they can reap and reap.
Years ago I saw a cartoon depicting the new Federal Tax form. There are just two lines.
Line one: How much money did you make?
Line two: Send it in.
That's kind of the way it feels already.
Those in power will never take my suggestions, even though they could balance the budget THIS YEAR if they would only use them.
Makes too much sense.
News I can use
Well.....Thangs ain't always what they seem, I guess.
When I went to the Doctor on Wednesday, the nurse took 6 vials of blood. The tests to be done were cholesterol, minerals, hormones, and other things. My Doctor called me yesterday to give me the results.
Mildly high cholesterol
marginal on several minerals, but..
Low on thyroid.
The light came on! Hypo-thyroid can cause obesity (that'd be me), fatigue (that'd me me too), dry brittle nails (another one), thought process problems, bowel problems, depression, irritability, among other things. All are symptoms I've been having.
It doesn't explain my painful lower extremities or the headaches, or the muscular problems in my hands, though, so there is more going on.
When I went to the Doctor on Wednesday, the nurse took 6 vials of blood. The tests to be done were cholesterol, minerals, hormones, and other things. My Doctor called me yesterday to give me the results.
Mildly high cholesterol
marginal on several minerals, but..
Low on thyroid.
The light came on! Hypo-thyroid can cause obesity (that'd be me), fatigue (that'd me me too), dry brittle nails (another one), thought process problems, bowel problems, depression, irritability, among other things. All are symptoms I've been having.
It doesn't explain my painful lower extremities or the headaches, or the muscular problems in my hands, though, so there is more going on.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
A better day
I have had a better day today, although I've struggled through it. I still have trouble focusing on my chores, but I've been able to speak cogently and hear most of what is going on around me. My voice is still gravelly except when I raise it. My hands continue to let things slip out of them. I find my typing to be more tedious than normal though. I have to watch pretty close or I wind up typing things that don't make sense. My brain sees the problems, but my fingers don't follow instructions well.
I believe I will post my progress for the next few days. I'm doing this mostly so I have a record of my thoughts and actions, but also so my family and friends will know what is happening. I believe my political rant will have to take a back seat to these events that have the potential of changing my very life.
I want you to know that I know that God lives and that He cares for each of us. I have experienced sacred and awesome things of which I don't speak. While that is the case, I still worry about my station in this life and the life to follow.
enough for now.
I believe I will post my progress for the next few days. I'm doing this mostly so I have a record of my thoughts and actions, but also so my family and friends will know what is happening. I believe my political rant will have to take a back seat to these events that have the potential of changing my very life.
I want you to know that I know that God lives and that He cares for each of us. I have experienced sacred and awesome things of which I don't speak. While that is the case, I still worry about my station in this life and the life to follow.
enough for now.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Personal News
I hope my readers will indulge me a few lines of personal news.
Many of you know that I've had some medical problems over the past few years. I enjoyed a heart attack two and a half years ago, had knee replacement surgery a year ago, and have not really felt well at all over the past few weeks.
There are many symptoms that have presented themselves. I've noticed over the past few months that my voice has become a little bit gravelly. I occasionally have trouble focusing my eyes. My feet and lower legs are becoming numb. I noticed that I sometimes get confused and can't understand what is going on around me. I noted last Sunday that sometimes the words I hear are gibberish. I have trouble grasping small objects. I lose grip on things like coins, pens, and the like. My speech is slurred and harder to understand, even by me. I thought this must be just because I'm getting a little older. But yesterday I was in melt-down mode. My blood pressure spiked. My hands began to shake, my left cheek tingled into partial numbness, my head ached horribly. I was terrified, and I still am terrified. I worried that I might be experiencing a "mini-stroke". The symptoms soon subsided, but my supervisor advised me to go home and I did. I didn't think it was anything REAL serious, but when I began to research the symptoms I began to be terrified again. I was pretty sure I had experienced a mini-stroke.
I went to my personal physician today. He ran a bunch of motor tests, and talked to me for quite some time. At the end of our time together he advised me to see a neurologist and to get an MRI on my brain. He indicated that it may well have been a mini-stroke. He didn't, however, tell me not to work (although I didn't ask either). I went back to work and finished out the day today.
I will undergo MRI on Monday, and then I have to wait for 2 weeks for my appointment to see the neurologist. We don't have that many of them in St. George.
I notice that I am slower today than normal. I can't get my body to respond well. I have trouble balancing. Some of the tests my doctor gave me to do were: balance on one foot, balance on tip toes, balance on heels, walk as if on a line, heal to toe. I had trouble with all of those tests.
I am prescribed a blood pressure medicine, but I suspect that is not a cure for whatever is going on.
Through it all my princess bride has been stalwart. I love her, and I know she loves me. She must for all I've put her through over the past few years.
I apologize for the deviation from my normal rant. Perhaps I'll return to it later in the week.
Many of you know that I've had some medical problems over the past few years. I enjoyed a heart attack two and a half years ago, had knee replacement surgery a year ago, and have not really felt well at all over the past few weeks.
There are many symptoms that have presented themselves. I've noticed over the past few months that my voice has become a little bit gravelly. I occasionally have trouble focusing my eyes. My feet and lower legs are becoming numb. I noticed that I sometimes get confused and can't understand what is going on around me. I noted last Sunday that sometimes the words I hear are gibberish. I have trouble grasping small objects. I lose grip on things like coins, pens, and the like. My speech is slurred and harder to understand, even by me. I thought this must be just because I'm getting a little older. But yesterday I was in melt-down mode. My blood pressure spiked. My hands began to shake, my left cheek tingled into partial numbness, my head ached horribly. I was terrified, and I still am terrified. I worried that I might be experiencing a "mini-stroke". The symptoms soon subsided, but my supervisor advised me to go home and I did. I didn't think it was anything REAL serious, but when I began to research the symptoms I began to be terrified again. I was pretty sure I had experienced a mini-stroke.
I went to my personal physician today. He ran a bunch of motor tests, and talked to me for quite some time. At the end of our time together he advised me to see a neurologist and to get an MRI on my brain. He indicated that it may well have been a mini-stroke. He didn't, however, tell me not to work (although I didn't ask either). I went back to work and finished out the day today.
I will undergo MRI on Monday, and then I have to wait for 2 weeks for my appointment to see the neurologist. We don't have that many of them in St. George.
I notice that I am slower today than normal. I can't get my body to respond well. I have trouble balancing. Some of the tests my doctor gave me to do were: balance on one foot, balance on tip toes, balance on heels, walk as if on a line, heal to toe. I had trouble with all of those tests.
I am prescribed a blood pressure medicine, but I suspect that is not a cure for whatever is going on.
Through it all my princess bride has been stalwart. I love her, and I know she loves me. She must for all I've put her through over the past few years.
I apologize for the deviation from my normal rant. Perhaps I'll return to it later in the week.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Independence Day 2011
235 years ago the American colonies declared independence from its oppressor. The political conditions then are much like those of today, except now we must resist our own government's oppression. When the Declaration of Independence was written, our people only wanted self governance. They were distressed because of regulation without representation. Today we send our representatives to Washington, but they don't represent us. Instead they only represent their own interests. They ignore the will of the people, and pervert government. They build their own little empires and then are indignant when someone calls them on their actions.
Why can we not return to the values established by the framers of our nation? Why can we no longer trust our governmental leaders? It appears to me that our elective leaders think that we send them to Washington so that they can "adjust" government. What we really need is representatives that will go to Washington and RESIST temptation to make laws that are oppressive. We need representatives that will go to Washington with the idea in mind that they will work to repeal laws that are not in the best interests of the masses. There are many. We need honesty, integrity, maturity, thriftiness, and quality in our elective leaders.
We need to return to our Christian roots. We need to worship Almighty God. We need to accept the atonement and remember it is freely given if we will freely accept. We need to remember that this life is only a step in the eternal plan of happiness. We need to know that our actions here will affect our status when this life is over. We need to return to brotherly kindness. Small town America generally has it right. The people are protective of each other. They watch out for one another and work together.
We need to be Americans instead of Irish-Americans, African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans or any other kind. We are all simply Americans and should act that way.
Enough for today.
Why can we not return to the values established by the framers of our nation? Why can we no longer trust our governmental leaders? It appears to me that our elective leaders think that we send them to Washington so that they can "adjust" government. What we really need is representatives that will go to Washington and RESIST temptation to make laws that are oppressive. We need representatives that will go to Washington with the idea in mind that they will work to repeal laws that are not in the best interests of the masses. There are many. We need honesty, integrity, maturity, thriftiness, and quality in our elective leaders.
We need to return to our Christian roots. We need to worship Almighty God. We need to accept the atonement and remember it is freely given if we will freely accept. We need to remember that this life is only a step in the eternal plan of happiness. We need to know that our actions here will affect our status when this life is over. We need to return to brotherly kindness. Small town America generally has it right. The people are protective of each other. They watch out for one another and work together.
We need to be Americans instead of Irish-Americans, African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans or any other kind. We are all simply Americans and should act that way.
Enough for today.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Political unrest in the good ol' USA
Our friends in federal elective office just don't understand the tensions that are running so high here in the normal regular world.
We sent them to Washington to represent us. We didn't send them to ignore our calls, emails, snail mails or personal pleas. Here is what I expect our elective representatives to do:
1. Stop spending money we don't have. The tax well is dry. Just cut off the faucet.
2. Stop supporting nations that don't like us. Money will not buy their allegiance, friendship, or help.
3. Close departments not supported by the constitution, i.e. Education, Energy, Transportation, Health, Agriculture, HUD, Homeland Security.
4. Consolidate ALL armed law enforcement into the justice department. No other department should have armed agents. Consolidate Defense and Homeland Security into one Department.
5. Return welfare to the churches. They know best how to deal with their neighbors and congregations. Those who don't attend churches ought to consider doing so.
6. Consolidate NSA, CIA, MI. Put all intelligence gathering into one single department. Take special ops out of CIA and put it back into Defense where it belongs.
7. Defund the "Czars"
8. Defund use of National Defense resources for congressional/executive personal use. They want to fly? Pay commercial carriers at their own expense.
Create volunteer committees to oversee expenditures. I'll bet there are many ways to cut the bleeding.
We sent them to Washington to represent us. We didn't send them to ignore our calls, emails, snail mails or personal pleas. Here is what I expect our elective representatives to do:
1. Stop spending money we don't have. The tax well is dry. Just cut off the faucet.
2. Stop supporting nations that don't like us. Money will not buy their allegiance, friendship, or help.
3. Close departments not supported by the constitution, i.e. Education, Energy, Transportation, Health, Agriculture, HUD, Homeland Security.
4. Consolidate ALL armed law enforcement into the justice department. No other department should have armed agents. Consolidate Defense and Homeland Security into one Department.
5. Return welfare to the churches. They know best how to deal with their neighbors and congregations. Those who don't attend churches ought to consider doing so.
6. Consolidate NSA, CIA, MI. Put all intelligence gathering into one single department. Take special ops out of CIA and put it back into Defense where it belongs.
7. Defund the "Czars"
8. Defund use of National Defense resources for congressional/executive personal use. They want to fly? Pay commercial carriers at their own expense.
Create volunteer committees to oversee expenditures. I'll bet there are many ways to cut the bleeding.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas)--How pathetic
When I wrote my post of yesterday I had yet to read this little tidbit of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), but I'm not real surprised. The only religion that can't possibly be injurious to the good ol' United States of America is the Muslim religion, obviously.
In this article, Ms Jackson-Lee, wants to investigate how Militant Christians might bring down the country. What unmitigated garbage! This country was founded by "Militant Christians", is supported by the same, and will continue to be supported by us. How pathetic that these congressional nazies are worried that we are interested in returning to the values instituted by Almighty God.
Every nation that has maintained a close relationship with our Christian religion, called upon our Heavenly Father for assistance, and then honored His prophets has flourished. Every nation that has persecuted the prophets, rejected Heavenly Father and His Son, and taken upon itself idols, has fallen.
The South American country that I visited years ago has a little one-word exclaimation that is appropriate:
OHO! meaning Watch out!
In this article, Ms Jackson-Lee, wants to investigate how Militant Christians might bring down the country. What unmitigated garbage! This country was founded by "Militant Christians", is supported by the same, and will continue to be supported by us. How pathetic that these congressional nazies are worried that we are interested in returning to the values instituted by Almighty God.
Every nation that has maintained a close relationship with our Christian religion, called upon our Heavenly Father for assistance, and then honored His prophets has flourished. Every nation that has persecuted the prophets, rejected Heavenly Father and His Son, and taken upon itself idols, has fallen.
The South American country that I visited years ago has a little one-word exclaimation that is appropriate:
OHO! meaning Watch out!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
We lose more freedoms
I learned, a few days ago, that the FBI has taken upon itself more invasive powers. Now they claim the right to invade a private residence EVEN IF THEY HAVE NO REASON TO SUSPECT a law has been broken. We are becoming more and more of a gestapo state. I wonder if the Ayatollah Barry Obama thinks that he is now the re-invention of Adolf Hitler. The same tactics are being used today that were used in the late 1930's when Hitler took the leadership of Germany. I fear for our nation, our people, our families, and our religion. I wonder when he'll set the "brown shirts" on Christians because we are subversive. I wonder when our Government will deem, by executive order, that it is illegal to practice our religion because it is offensive.
We need to get on our knees as a nation and pray to Almighty God. And then we need to raise the Title of Liberty high above our homes, automobiles, and places of employment. Then we must gather our forces to combat this evil. For those of you who don't know what the Title of Liberty is, it is this:
In my not so humble opinion it is the only way we can return to the values that formed this nation. We have sunk into apostasy and we must repent and plead with our Heavenly Father to help us return to be the land, most favored of all nations.
We must cease to be aggressors in the world, but be defenders of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We must vigorously defend the Constitution of the United States instead of trying to figure out how to circumvent that inspired document.
We must close down those government departments that are not specifically mentioned in the constitution. We must get government out of the private lives of individuals and families. We must get the government out of the business of "controlling the public". We must find a president who will covenant to do just that.
I don't see anyone running that fits the bill as of yet. Each of them has good points, but their history is not compatible with the vision that we need in the White House. I will vigorously campaign for the candidate that will make the covenant to enforce the constitution and the Title of Liberty.
Enough for the moment
We need to get on our knees as a nation and pray to Almighty God. And then we need to raise the Title of Liberty high above our homes, automobiles, and places of employment. Then we must gather our forces to combat this evil. For those of you who don't know what the Title of Liberty is, it is this:
In my not so humble opinion it is the only way we can return to the values that formed this nation. We have sunk into apostasy and we must repent and plead with our Heavenly Father to help us return to be the land, most favored of all nations.
We must cease to be aggressors in the world, but be defenders of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We must vigorously defend the Constitution of the United States instead of trying to figure out how to circumvent that inspired document.
We must close down those government departments that are not specifically mentioned in the constitution. We must get government out of the private lives of individuals and families. We must get the government out of the business of "controlling the public". We must find a president who will covenant to do just that.
I don't see anyone running that fits the bill as of yet. Each of them has good points, but their history is not compatible with the vision that we need in the White House. I will vigorously campaign for the candidate that will make the covenant to enforce the constitution and the Title of Liberty.
Enough for the moment
Saturday, June 11, 2011
It was only a matter of time..
It was only a matter of time until we figure out that Gadianton Robbers have invaded every facet of our lives. They are in Congress, the White House, courts, local and state legislatures, business and even in some churches. We knew it would happen, but hoped it would take a little longer to become so pervasive.
Gadianton Robbers are especially subversive because their methods are very subtle. They invade carefully, like wolves wearing sheep's clothing. We elect, hire, appoint them because what they SAY is appealing. However, what they DO is particularly revolting. They are immoral, leading our people into error and sin. They are evil, in that they make particularly repugnant issues seem appealing. They are vicious, in that they are violently enforcing their will, plans and goals.
Who are these people? I won't name them, but I will describe them. They:
1. Sext, and say, "it's ok because I'm a congressman/judge/advisor to the president."
2. They force their will on the public, i.e. ObamaCare, immoral searches at airports, etc.
3. They cause confusion and intimidation at the polling places.
4. They blackmail the public by threatening investigations.
5. They cause loss of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness when they shut down a business because of inconsequential, oblique, little known or enforced laws in order to protect their "buddies".
6. They cause loss of life and liberty by starting illegal, immoral, unrighteous wars in which we have no business becoming involved.
7. They work to destroy the institution of family with one father and one mother.
8. They are sexual predators, preying on the weak and helpless, and then discarding them like used kleenex.
9. They work to prevent our God given individual choice.
10. They destroy our homes in the name of "homeland security".
If we want peace in our time, we need to root these individuals, groups and ideas out and isolate them.
enough said.
Gadianton Robbers are especially subversive because their methods are very subtle. They invade carefully, like wolves wearing sheep's clothing. We elect, hire, appoint them because what they SAY is appealing. However, what they DO is particularly revolting. They are immoral, leading our people into error and sin. They are evil, in that they make particularly repugnant issues seem appealing. They are vicious, in that they are violently enforcing their will, plans and goals.
Who are these people? I won't name them, but I will describe them. They:
1. Sext, and say, "it's ok because I'm a congressman/judge/advisor to the president."
2. They force their will on the public, i.e. ObamaCare, immoral searches at airports, etc.
3. They cause confusion and intimidation at the polling places.
4. They blackmail the public by threatening investigations.
5. They cause loss of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness when they shut down a business because of inconsequential, oblique, little known or enforced laws in order to protect their "buddies".
6. They cause loss of life and liberty by starting illegal, immoral, unrighteous wars in which we have no business becoming involved.
7. They work to destroy the institution of family with one father and one mother.
8. They are sexual predators, preying on the weak and helpless, and then discarding them like used kleenex.
9. They work to prevent our God given individual choice.
10. They destroy our homes in the name of "homeland security".
If we want peace in our time, we need to root these individuals, groups and ideas out and isolate them.
enough said.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Is it time to go?
I have been a transportation manager for 31 of the 37 years I have been in the transportation business. Over the years, I have enjoyed much of the time I've spent working in both the railroad and trucking industries. I have put much of my personal energies into my work. I live and breath transportation. In the few years of my professional life that I spent outside of transportation, I have yearned to return, and I have. However, now I wonder if my energies are appreciated or even wanted.
When I began my love of transportation, all one had to do to be noticed and therefore improve one's position was work hard, learn everything possible about one's current position and then learn the next position even before being offered a promotion. Hard work payed off. I progressed from lowly switchman to a prestigious line management position. In that environment I learned that the best way to lead a force was to pull my team along, coaching when necessary, teaching when needed and encouraging at every step of the way. As a result of those efforts, work place injuries were reduced, productivity was increased, revenues improved, and morale was high.
Along came the time, however, when those efforts were not appreciated. The corporate moguls turned a corner and wanted those of us in the field to work hard to "lie in wait" for employees to err and then hold hearings to determine that these employees should be sacked. When management style went from coaching,teaching, and leading to pushing, testing and immoral "gotcha" moments, I elected to terminate my relationship with the railroad I loved. I cannot justify, in my own mind, that kind of behavior. I still have to live with myself. I have to look at myself in the mirror each day. I tendered my resignation and left my position.
I began my love of trucking in much the same mind as I began my railroad career. I again wanted to begin my trucking career at the bottom. I went back to school and learned how to be a truck driver. I found a fledgling company, and I drove truck for a couple of years. Then I was asked to come into the office and take over a portion of the company that needed strengthening. It was another challenge that I enjoyed. I learned much and I hope that I have contributed much. I left the trucking industry for a few years to chase a dream. I learned, though, that I am a better truck driver than Insurance Salesman and I returned to the trucking company I loved.
I still work for that same trucking company. I love the owners, I love my co-workers, I enjoy doing what I do. I ride for the brand, as I always have done. I am fierce in my defense of my work, my subordinates, my peers, and my company. So much so, in fact, that I was told yesterday that I have a "bad attitude". We have changed management and management styles over the past year or so. Again we are going back to the style of leadership that causes me concern. And so I am at a crossroads.
I am of a mind to return to driving. I love driving, but current regulations are such that it is difficult to want to do so. Government seems anxious to drive transportation companies out of business.
Some of my peers and family think I should not return to driving, but should hang in there and do whatever I need to do in the office, even if it violates the values I hold so dear.
What should I do? I invite your comments.
Monday, May 30, 2011
It depends on your point of view
I guess much depends on your paradigm. From where I stand I an see much to improve. I like Paul Ryan's government reduction plan, but a the same time I see value in protecting our nation's poor and disabled.
Here are some things I consider worth discussion.
1. Return welfare to the churches where it belongs. The churches are better qualified to administer aid to individuals and familes. They know the people and their circumstances.
2. Government is, by definition, non-producing. In fact it is definately a resource pig, sucking up all available resources if it is left to do so. This pig needs harvesting for the better of the nation. Both the Republicrats and the Demicans have helped to fatten the pig, and now it is time to enjoy the barbeque. I've said before and I'll say again; the following departments need to be abolished: Energy, Transportation, Labor, Education, Homeland Security, Each of these department spend its time discouraging philanthropy, terrorizing businesses and individuals, and causing governmental hatred. Just think how much money could be saved by government and business by eliminating the departments cited above.
3. Return education to the local level where it belongs. The local people know best how to handle their respective children. The federal government has no reason to be involved in local education. Each mandate that federal regulators put onto local school districts costs money they don't have and don't want to spend. We have school administrators doing nothing but keping watch on federal regulators so they won't be found in non-compliance.
4. Increase tariffs on Chinese goods. I have much trouble finding goods made in America. I can't believe nobody in America makes Padlocks, or scissors, or staplers or any number of things. I'm willing to pay a little more to get goods "made in America". We need to produce and purchase only goods "Made in America".
Enough said for the moment.
Here are some things I consider worth discussion.
1. Return welfare to the churches where it belongs. The churches are better qualified to administer aid to individuals and familes. They know the people and their circumstances.
2. Government is, by definition, non-producing. In fact it is definately a resource pig, sucking up all available resources if it is left to do so. This pig needs harvesting for the better of the nation. Both the Republicrats and the Demicans have helped to fatten the pig, and now it is time to enjoy the barbeque. I've said before and I'll say again; the following departments need to be abolished: Energy, Transportation, Labor, Education, Homeland Security, Each of these department spend its time discouraging philanthropy, terrorizing businesses and individuals, and causing governmental hatred. Just think how much money could be saved by government and business by eliminating the departments cited above.
3. Return education to the local level where it belongs. The local people know best how to handle their respective children. The federal government has no reason to be involved in local education. Each mandate that federal regulators put onto local school districts costs money they don't have and don't want to spend. We have school administrators doing nothing but keping watch on federal regulators so they won't be found in non-compliance.
4. Increase tariffs on Chinese goods. I have much trouble finding goods made in America. I can't believe nobody in America makes Padlocks, or scissors, or staplers or any number of things. I'm willing to pay a little more to get goods "made in America". We need to produce and purchase only goods "Made in America".
Enough said for the moment.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Mothers' Day: A day to honor mothers everywhere
Mixed with all the political turmoil; mixed with all the terrorism; mixed with all the factions at war; mixed with those of us that live in relative peace; mothers are still giving birth to children. In my mind there is no greater calling than that of Mother.
Years ago, when families were strong basic units, mothers were the strength of the home. They taught the children respect, duty, honor, and honesty along with cleanliness, responsibility and worship. Mothers taught children to read. They prepared the children to enter school. They were the primary teachers for their children. Mothers and Fathers took their children to church to learn of God. I long for a return of those days.
Today's mothers have a much harder life. Many women must work outside the home and take care of their children at the same time. I long for a return to the days of the past when families were able to send Father out to work to sustain the family, and Mother could stay home and nurture the children. Families would be stronger, communities would be stronger, crime would likely be decreased. Television's influence on the children could be diminished.
Hollywood's characterization of the family has caused the current generation to view the family with a false paradigm. Governments seem to view parents as "optional", even promoting the idea of single parenting. Governments seem to foster the idea of killing unborn children as a way to keep illegitimate children from being born instead of fostering the idea that children are precious and when a child is born he/she has the right to a two parent family. Children thrive better when there are two parents involved in a family. Additionally, studies have found that families with more than one child thrive even more. The idea that small families are better cared for is a myth. Large families instill a responsibility in children that they will take with them into their adult lives.
I was privileged to enjoy a family where our father taught us how to work and how to use tools. He was an educated man, but he didn't stop with what learning he received in the University. He was self taught in many areas and taught his children to do the same. Our mother was also self educated. She was strong enough to keep her children in line. I remember being irritated by her lengthy "preachings" when we did something wrong. I was loath to do wrong because I knew there would be a "preaching" if I was found out. The preaching was sometimes more painful than the alternative whipping. My mother worried about me even when I was an adult. I imagine she still worries about me even though she passed away several years ago.
This post is to honor mothers everywhere, but especially my mother and the mother of my children, my queen, my sweetheart, my lover, my wife.
Years ago, when families were strong basic units, mothers were the strength of the home. They taught the children respect, duty, honor, and honesty along with cleanliness, responsibility and worship. Mothers taught children to read. They prepared the children to enter school. They were the primary teachers for their children. Mothers and Fathers took their children to church to learn of God. I long for a return of those days.
Today's mothers have a much harder life. Many women must work outside the home and take care of their children at the same time. I long for a return to the days of the past when families were able to send Father out to work to sustain the family, and Mother could stay home and nurture the children. Families would be stronger, communities would be stronger, crime would likely be decreased. Television's influence on the children could be diminished.
Hollywood's characterization of the family has caused the current generation to view the family with a false paradigm. Governments seem to view parents as "optional", even promoting the idea of single parenting. Governments seem to foster the idea of killing unborn children as a way to keep illegitimate children from being born instead of fostering the idea that children are precious and when a child is born he/she has the right to a two parent family. Children thrive better when there are two parents involved in a family. Additionally, studies have found that families with more than one child thrive even more. The idea that small families are better cared for is a myth. Large families instill a responsibility in children that they will take with them into their adult lives.
I was privileged to enjoy a family where our father taught us how to work and how to use tools. He was an educated man, but he didn't stop with what learning he received in the University. He was self taught in many areas and taught his children to do the same. Our mother was also self educated. She was strong enough to keep her children in line. I remember being irritated by her lengthy "preachings" when we did something wrong. I was loath to do wrong because I knew there would be a "preaching" if I was found out. The preaching was sometimes more painful than the alternative whipping. My mother worried about me even when I was an adult. I imagine she still worries about me even though she passed away several years ago.
This post is to honor mothers everywhere, but especially my mother and the mother of my children, my queen, my sweetheart, my lover, my wife.
Monday, April 25, 2011
The Most Sacred Event in the History of the World
Yesterday was the celebration of the most sacred event in the history of this world. It was the celebration of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I cannot think of a more selfless personage than Jesus Christ. He is the creator of this world. After having created it, He condescended to come to this world as a little baby to grow, and enjoy a physical existence. He taught the people; He organized His church; and then He suffered, bled and died for us. He suffered a complete withdrawal of the Spirit. By so doing He paid for every sin enacted by every man/woman/child from Adam & Eve to the last future person to be born on this world. He was the only man capable of so doing because of His divine heritage as Son of the Living God. He resurrected on day 3 post crucifixion, the first day of the Jewish week. By so doing He opened the way for all mankind to receive resurrection.
I love, honor, respect, and worship my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I invite each reader of this post to come to know Him and to listen to His current living prophet, who teaches us His will..
I cannot think of a more selfless personage than Jesus Christ. He is the creator of this world. After having created it, He condescended to come to this world as a little baby to grow, and enjoy a physical existence. He taught the people; He organized His church; and then He suffered, bled and died for us. He suffered a complete withdrawal of the Spirit. By so doing He paid for every sin enacted by every man/woman/child from Adam & Eve to the last future person to be born on this world. He was the only man capable of so doing because of His divine heritage as Son of the Living God. He resurrected on day 3 post crucifixion, the first day of the Jewish week. By so doing He opened the way for all mankind to receive resurrection.
I love, honor, respect, and worship my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I invite each reader of this post to come to know Him and to listen to His current living prophet, who teaches us His will..
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Ayatollah-in-Chief pretending to be an Osterich?
I just don't understand how a negative number added to a negative number somehow comes out as a positive number. I don't get it. I admit that I'm not a math whiz, but it doesn't take much to understand that if I can't pay my bills living the way I've BEEN living, I have to do one of two things. I must either spend LESS or generate more.
I have offered several ways to spend less.
1. Dismantle the following: Department of Education, Department of Transportation, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security and the EPA. Send them all out to look for private enterprise employment. After all, Mr. Obama says he has created all these new jobs. It is time to put up or shut up.
2. Limit the number of "advisors, czars and staff" currently under employ (I struggle to say "work") by the Administration and Congress.
3. Decrease the salary for elected representatives/senators to the median salary of their constituents. Staff members should get less. After all they are getting invaluable experience and education that will make them vast sums when they leave government service.
The federal government can generate more by:
1. Imposing a tariff on goods that exercise unfair advantage, i.e. Chinese and other goods that are made using unfair advantage.
2. Sell land currently under the control of the Bureau of Land Management. I can't find anything in the constitution that provides for the federal government to own such vast lands. Sell the National Parks to a park development group that can return them to the vibrant places they used to be.
3. Foster oil exploration and exploitation. The current tax structure on oil and gas can be reduced and still make a sufficient dent.. Why do we need to import oil when we have more oil in our own nation than all the Arab nations combined. No need to export to others and no need to import from others.
These suggestions will not only improve the debt of our nation, but will stimulate our economy. Just think of the development that will result in opening such vast lands for private enterprise. As a result of more development there is more employment and therefore more tax revenue.
Mr. Obama needs to get his head out of the sand. He needs to stop relying on dunces to put their ideas on his teleprompter and begin using his own deductive abilities, if he has any.
I have offered several ways to spend less.
1. Dismantle the following: Department of Education, Department of Transportation, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security and the EPA. Send them all out to look for private enterprise employment. After all, Mr. Obama says he has created all these new jobs. It is time to put up or shut up.
2. Limit the number of "advisors, czars and staff" currently under employ (I struggle to say "work") by the Administration and Congress.
3. Decrease the salary for elected representatives/senators to the median salary of their constituents. Staff members should get less. After all they are getting invaluable experience and education that will make them vast sums when they leave government service.
The federal government can generate more by:
1. Imposing a tariff on goods that exercise unfair advantage, i.e. Chinese and other goods that are made using unfair advantage.
2. Sell land currently under the control of the Bureau of Land Management. I can't find anything in the constitution that provides for the federal government to own such vast lands. Sell the National Parks to a park development group that can return them to the vibrant places they used to be.
3. Foster oil exploration and exploitation. The current tax structure on oil and gas can be reduced and still make a sufficient dent.. Why do we need to import oil when we have more oil in our own nation than all the Arab nations combined. No need to export to others and no need to import from others.
These suggestions will not only improve the debt of our nation, but will stimulate our economy. Just think of the development that will result in opening such vast lands for private enterprise. As a result of more development there is more employment and therefore more tax revenue.
Mr. Obama needs to get his head out of the sand. He needs to stop relying on dunces to put their ideas on his teleprompter and begin using his own deductive abilities, if he has any.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
It's been 38 years of bliss
I don't remember getting on the PanAm airplane in Montevideo on January 3rd, 1973, and I don't remember changing planes in Buenos Aires either. I do remember landing in several countries before we landed in Panama City. I remember that we stayed there for some time before the flight crew announced that we were having some trouble with an engine and would be about three hours in Panama City. We were told we could get off of the plane or we could stay on board where the air would continue to be cooled for us. I elected to stay. I was just behind the wing on the right side, so I saw them working on the engine. After the three hours the Captain got back on the intercom and told us that repairs would take longer than was thought and that PanAm was flying a replacement plane from San Francisco to rescue us. We were again told we could stay on the plan if we so desired, but they recommended that we disembark. I stayed on the plane for some time. I was a missionary returning home from two years in Uruguay, and I was pretty timid. I've been pretty timid my whole life, but most of my friends don't know that.
I finally arrived in Los Angeles on January 4th, having spent more than 24 hours in transit from Montevideo to Los Angeles. It seemed to me that we stopped everywhere there was an airport enroute. I halfway expected to see people getting on with their chicken and goats. They didn't, but still with all the landings and take-offs I was unable to sleep much enroute. When I got off of the airplane there were two gentlemen there waiting to speak to me. They were from the US Government and wanted to know if I was interested in entering into foreign service. I was taken by surprise. I still had not reported my mission to my local church leaders and was unprepared for anything other than going home.
That next Sunday, January 7, 1973 there was a youth fireside at a friend's home, and I attended. I saw there a most beautiful young lady whom I had met several years before, but who then hadn't piqued my interest as she did now. She took my eye. She was there with her brother, whom I didn't know, but I wanted desperately to know her better. Soon I asked her out and in mid February I told her I wanted her to be my bride.
We were married in the Los Angeles LDS Temple on April 17, 1973. It has been a wonderful 38 years. I've never regretted a moment of my life with my princess bride.
I believe I love her more now than I did then. She has supported me in all the adventures I've undertaken, and has given me 7 children. In my eyes she is still the most beautiful woman in the world.
This is very much not enough said, but enough for now. These paragraphs will be included in my life story whenever I manage to write it.
I finally arrived in Los Angeles on January 4th, having spent more than 24 hours in transit from Montevideo to Los Angeles. It seemed to me that we stopped everywhere there was an airport enroute. I halfway expected to see people getting on with their chicken and goats. They didn't, but still with all the landings and take-offs I was unable to sleep much enroute. When I got off of the airplane there were two gentlemen there waiting to speak to me. They were from the US Government and wanted to know if I was interested in entering into foreign service. I was taken by surprise. I still had not reported my mission to my local church leaders and was unprepared for anything other than going home.
That next Sunday, January 7, 1973 there was a youth fireside at a friend's home, and I attended. I saw there a most beautiful young lady whom I had met several years before, but who then hadn't piqued my interest as she did now. She took my eye. She was there with her brother, whom I didn't know, but I wanted desperately to know her better. Soon I asked her out and in mid February I told her I wanted her to be my bride.
We were married in the Los Angeles LDS Temple on April 17, 1973. It has been a wonderful 38 years. I've never regretted a moment of my life with my princess bride.
I believe I love her more now than I did then. She has supported me in all the adventures I've undertaken, and has given me 7 children. In my eyes she is still the most beautiful woman in the world.
This is very much not enough said, but enough for now. These paragraphs will be included in my life story whenever I manage to write it.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
It's all smoke and mirrors
Remember the magician I talked about in my previous post? I'm sorry to say that I've been proven right. Mr. Boehner has proven to be a counterfeit conservative. I repeat my admonition of several days ago. SHUT DOWN GOVERNMENT! Pay only Law Enforcement, Military, and Elderly/disabled, and furlough everyone else including politicians and their staffs. Evidently they are incapable of doing what we hired them to do, so we furlough them until they CAN do what we have asked them to do. That is what we do in private enterprise when we have insufficient money to meet payroll. We CUT SPENDING! Instead, our political representatives tried to present us with smoke and mirrors and tell us they are cutting spending. I wonder just how insane they think we are. We are too well informed for this to pass muster. It is time for the grass roots to get busy and find someone with a back-bone who will take control and return this country to the constitution that created it.
Mr Boehner proved to us that he is undeserving of conservative leadership. We, who advocate the precepts of the tea-party movement, demand the government to reduce. Live within our income without increasing taxes. Increasing taxes only prevents investment. Calling new taxes "investment" is simply lying. I say now, without shame, our political leaders are lying to themselves, each other, and the public, and I say it must stop. The Grand Ayatollah Barak Insane Obama is the granddaddy of all liars and must never be trusted and must not be re-elected.
We must impress upon both the republicrats and the demicans that we will not put up with this and their unemployment looms. I dislike liars.
Obviously not enough said, but enough for today.
Mr Boehner proved to us that he is undeserving of conservative leadership. We, who advocate the precepts of the tea-party movement, demand the government to reduce. Live within our income without increasing taxes. Increasing taxes only prevents investment. Calling new taxes "investment" is simply lying. I say now, without shame, our political leaders are lying to themselves, each other, and the public, and I say it must stop. The Grand Ayatollah Barak Insane Obama is the granddaddy of all liars and must never be trusted and must not be re-elected.
We must impress upon both the republicrats and the demicans that we will not put up with this and their unemployment looms. I dislike liars.
Obviously not enough said, but enough for today.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Politics at it's worst.
Here is the gospel according to Saint Jumbo Jim.
The taxpayers lost when this "budget deal" was struck. Our duly elected representatives have spent our nation into the poor house and then when their constituents complain and expect them to "fix" it, they just agree to spend more money. Here is what they haven't bothered to explain.
Our national budget is increased by a certain percentage each year, and they all it "status quo". When they increase spending it is above and beyond the "set increase" each year. So when they say they are going to "cut" spending by $38.5B, they really mean they are going to decrease the increase. The set increase is reportedly 6%, or for fiscal year 2011 it is about $78B. Even with the $38.5B "cut" in spending (meaning 2.9%) the net increase is nearly $40B.
So, where is the cut?
It kind of reminds me of a magician. If they can distract us long enough, we won't notice that they have successfully bamboozled the public.
I say throw the whole bunch of them out. We need someone in office that understands what we mean when we say....REDUCE. We need people who will actually READ the legislation they vote upon, and figure out how to understand the gobbledegook they write. They expect the little people to just sit back and take it. I say....we need lay legislators who take the job seriously and who take the constituents seriously.
Don't think enough has been said, but it is enough for this post.
The taxpayers lost when this "budget deal" was struck. Our duly elected representatives have spent our nation into the poor house and then when their constituents complain and expect them to "fix" it, they just agree to spend more money. Here is what they haven't bothered to explain.
Our national budget is increased by a certain percentage each year, and they all it "status quo". When they increase spending it is above and beyond the "set increase" each year. So when they say they are going to "cut" spending by $38.5B, they really mean they are going to decrease the increase. The set increase is reportedly 6%, or for fiscal year 2011 it is about $78B. Even with the $38.5B "cut" in spending (meaning 2.9%) the net increase is nearly $40B.
So, where is the cut?
It kind of reminds me of a magician. If they can distract us long enough, we won't notice that they have successfully bamboozled the public.
I say throw the whole bunch of them out. We need someone in office that understands what we mean when we say....REDUCE. We need people who will actually READ the legislation they vote upon, and figure out how to understand the gobbledegook they write. They expect the little people to just sit back and take it. I say....we need lay legislators who take the job seriously and who take the constituents seriously.
Don't think enough has been said, but it is enough for this post.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The Ayatollah Obama and the mess he's made
So here we are...embroiled in a fight we should not be in. I suspect it is to prove to the world that Mr. Obama is capable of causing huge destruction in someone else's back yard. There is no reason for us to be in Libya. We have no national interests there. I learned, over the last week, that the Democratic People's Republic of Amerika is considering arming the "rebels". We've been fighting the Taliban and Osama bin Laden's Al Queda for that past 10 years. Why in the world do we want to give/sell them arms so they can use them against US? I believe this administration has completely lost their collective minds. Am I the only person that can see this is disaster?
On the domestic scene Mr. Obama wants to cause enough discontent in our own nation that the political affairs in Washington will bleed over into the populace's daily lives. His administration is spending money like we have a bottomless treasury, and any brakes to that spending is "un-amerikan". I believe the government SHOULD shut down. Payroll for the elected and appointed bureaucrats should be stopped. Payroll should only be continued for Law Enforcement, Military, and Elderly/disabled support. Inclusive is the money spent at the UN, monies spent in foreign aid and monies spent in furthering the global warming lunacy. Look at the money that would be saved. If that money was stopped for just 30 days, we'd save the billions of dollars that the Republicrats want to save. Maybe we should make congress take a 60 day hiatus along with all the hangers-on. Perhaps then our representatives would spend some time being citizens instead of being elitists.
I say Let it close down and prove we can get along without government intervention in our lives.
Enough said.
On the domestic scene Mr. Obama wants to cause enough discontent in our own nation that the political affairs in Washington will bleed over into the populace's daily lives. His administration is spending money like we have a bottomless treasury, and any brakes to that spending is "un-amerikan". I believe the government SHOULD shut down. Payroll for the elected and appointed bureaucrats should be stopped. Payroll should only be continued for Law Enforcement, Military, and Elderly/disabled support. Inclusive is the money spent at the UN, monies spent in foreign aid and monies spent in furthering the global warming lunacy. Look at the money that would be saved. If that money was stopped for just 30 days, we'd save the billions of dollars that the Republicrats want to save. Maybe we should make congress take a 60 day hiatus along with all the hangers-on. Perhaps then our representatives would spend some time being citizens instead of being elitists.
I say Let it close down and prove we can get along without government intervention in our lives.
Enough said.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What a GIANT flippin' mess.
Now that the coalition is busy destroying Libya, suddenly nobody wants to be in charge. France says it isn't fighting a war, Germany backed out completely, Italy says if NATO isn't in charge it won't participate, the Ayatollah Obama said the United States is not in charge, the Arab League is going to withdraw it's support, so the ones left holding the bag seems to be Great Britain.
I wonder if it is because the wind isn't blowing in the direction all these nations thought it would blow. Citizens of these nations are wondering the same thing I've been wondering. What was the point of this exercise? Merely to show that we are stronger than Libya? I don't get it.
Now we learn that Al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood are fighting to figure out who will come out as leaders after this is all over. We big bad interfering countries aren't going to do anything but bomb bomb bomb, so someone has to take charge. I wonder how much better off Libyans will be when they get the privilege of living Sharia law. I wonder how we'll sleep at night knowing that we helped put those people under an even more repressive regime than they've had. I, for one, thought this was a bad idea from the outset and I'm being proven correct.
I wonder when we'll learn to follow the precepts taught in the scriptures. If you are the aggressor, you will lose. If you are simply defending your nation, family, and way of life, you will overcome. Our nation needs to return to it's God fearing roots and get out of this socialist/communist leftism under which we are languishing.
We need to get on our knees, repent of the stupid things we've done in the last 50 years and get back to our family based culture. We need to study the Scriptures and pray to learn what they are trying to teach us.
Enough said.
I wonder if it is because the wind isn't blowing in the direction all these nations thought it would blow. Citizens of these nations are wondering the same thing I've been wondering. What was the point of this exercise? Merely to show that we are stronger than Libya? I don't get it.
Now we learn that Al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood are fighting to figure out who will come out as leaders after this is all over. We big bad interfering countries aren't going to do anything but bomb bomb bomb, so someone has to take charge. I wonder how much better off Libyans will be when they get the privilege of living Sharia law. I wonder how we'll sleep at night knowing that we helped put those people under an even more repressive regime than they've had. I, for one, thought this was a bad idea from the outset and I'm being proven correct.
I wonder when we'll learn to follow the precepts taught in the scriptures. If you are the aggressor, you will lose. If you are simply defending your nation, family, and way of life, you will overcome. Our nation needs to return to it's God fearing roots and get out of this socialist/communist leftism under which we are languishing.
We need to get on our knees, repent of the stupid things we've done in the last 50 years and get back to our family based culture. We need to study the Scriptures and pray to learn what they are trying to teach us.
Enough said.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
For once I agree with some Democrats
Perhaps there ARE some Democrat politicians that have a brain cell left. They are asking, "what is our objective in Libya?" and, "at what point do we declare success?"
Some of them are asking why we are there in the first place, just as I asked. Why ARE we there? The Ayatollah Obama has embroiled us in a Civil War in which we can be nothing but losers. The Libyan government doesn't want us there, nor does the populace. We have no national interests there. We have no business interfering in Libya's domestic struggles. We cannot afford to be the world's policemen any longer. Bad people will be bad. Will the United States fall into the same paint?
Mr. Kucinich asks if these missile strikes are not impeachable offenses. I also wonder. We have let the United Nations again lead us blindly into an unsustainable position. This week the Arab League will likely retract it's support for this action. And then where will we be? We were supposed to be helping to keep innocent citizens from being killed by Mr Quadaffi. Instead the coalition is doing it for him. We need to get out now and stay out of any nation's domestic problems. I imagine we would have felt the same if another nation would have interfered during the protests and riots of the 60's.
Get out now. Turn the ships and aircraft around and get out of Dodge. This is pure insanity.
Enough said.
Some of them are asking why we are there in the first place, just as I asked. Why ARE we there? The Ayatollah Obama has embroiled us in a Civil War in which we can be nothing but losers. The Libyan government doesn't want us there, nor does the populace. We have no national interests there. We have no business interfering in Libya's domestic struggles. We cannot afford to be the world's policemen any longer. Bad people will be bad. Will the United States fall into the same paint?
Mr. Kucinich asks if these missile strikes are not impeachable offenses. I also wonder. We have let the United Nations again lead us blindly into an unsustainable position. This week the Arab League will likely retract it's support for this action. And then where will we be? We were supposed to be helping to keep innocent citizens from being killed by Mr Quadaffi. Instead the coalition is doing it for him. We need to get out now and stay out of any nation's domestic problems. I imagine we would have felt the same if another nation would have interfered during the protests and riots of the 60's.
Get out now. Turn the ships and aircraft around and get out of Dodge. This is pure insanity.
Enough said.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Libya: Interference is not good.
I wonder about current political thinking. According to the current thinking, it appears that it is ok for the international community to interfere with domestic events in sovereign nations. I wonder if it would be ok for the international community to interfere with events in the United States if the citizens decided to raise up against the Ayatollah Barry Obama and the current political government. Would they establish a no-fly zone here? Would they determine that the United States was no longer a "democratic" society?
We are pretty arrogant in our thinking.
Of course Colonel Quadaffi is protecting his government just as our government would do in the United States. What right do we have to prevent him from doing so? At the same time, those who initiated the unrest in those nations in the Middle-East and Africa are also not citizens there. They, and not the governments should be blamed for whatever violence the governments undertake to quell rebellion. It is too much of a coincidence that so many nations are involved in domestic unrest at the same time. Someone is coordinating all this. It feels like a conspiracy to me.
While I think those regimes are repressive and should be overthrown, it is up to the native peoples to do so. I don't recall much international involvement when the British Colonies in America decided to revolt and throw off the yoke of their masters. They knew it would be bloody and would take courage. We are the stronger as a result.
If the native peoples of those nations are successful in throwing of their oppressors, they will be the stronger for it; but only if they do it without influence from new despots who just want power over the people much like those they are attempting to depose.
Enough said.
We are pretty arrogant in our thinking.
Of course Colonel Quadaffi is protecting his government just as our government would do in the United States. What right do we have to prevent him from doing so? At the same time, those who initiated the unrest in those nations in the Middle-East and Africa are also not citizens there. They, and not the governments should be blamed for whatever violence the governments undertake to quell rebellion. It is too much of a coincidence that so many nations are involved in domestic unrest at the same time. Someone is coordinating all this. It feels like a conspiracy to me.
While I think those regimes are repressive and should be overthrown, it is up to the native peoples to do so. I don't recall much international involvement when the British Colonies in America decided to revolt and throw off the yoke of their masters. They knew it would be bloody and would take courage. We are the stronger as a result.
If the native peoples of those nations are successful in throwing of their oppressors, they will be the stronger for it; but only if they do it without influence from new despots who just want power over the people much like those they are attempting to depose.
Enough said.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The end of the world?
Wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, floods, disease are all mentioned in the Bible as prophesies pointing to the end of times. We've always had these things, but it seems to me that we are experiencing them more and more often than did our ancestors. Or perhaps we know about them more because of the "information highway".
My heart aches for the people of Japan, who are hurting today because of the devastation caused by earthquake, tsunami, and resulting damage to nuclear reactors.
My heart also aches for the peoples of the middle east where lives are being devastated by uprisings, terror, oppressive political/religious leaders, self hate and envy.
My heart aches for the people of China who are not free to make personal choices.
My heart aches for those who seek spiritual calm in the midst of chaos.
My heart aches for those who think hate and terror will resolve the issues that face the world today.
My heart aches for those who think personal wealth and political control will make them better people.
Mostly my heart just aches for the condition of civilization today.
enough said.
My heart aches for the people of Japan, who are hurting today because of the devastation caused by earthquake, tsunami, and resulting damage to nuclear reactors.
My heart also aches for the peoples of the middle east where lives are being devastated by uprisings, terror, oppressive political/religious leaders, self hate and envy.
My heart aches for the people of China who are not free to make personal choices.
My heart aches for those who seek spiritual calm in the midst of chaos.
My heart aches for those who think hate and terror will resolve the issues that face the world today.
My heart aches for those who think personal wealth and political control will make them better people.
Mostly my heart just aches for the condition of civilization today.
enough said.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
America's energy solution
Since the Ayatollah Obama and our elected representatives can't seem to figure out how to reduce the size of government, and can't seem to get the cost of government under control, I've come up with a few things that might help. There is a growing feeling amongst the populace that government is an assembly of non-producers that suck up resources but never produce anything but hate, discontent and unrest. Here are some suggestions:
1. Make the Department of Energy actually produce energy. Make them discover, drill for, produce and refine oil. Make them produce, install, and maintain electrical plants - and distribute the power produced. Make them produce nuclear power plants, service them and distribute the power. So far the Department of Energy has been pretty effective at preventing some of these things from happening. My suggestion is, let them figure out how to do it on the budget they already have.
2. Make the Department of Transportation produce, staff, manage and service all surface transportation in the United States. They're pretty good at criticizing and controlling the current surface transportation system, so let them do a better job. Right now they are choking trucking, barge, shipping, auto and rail transportation with their massive and unintelligible regulations.
3. Make the FAA produce, staff, manage and service all air transportation. Again here is a federal agency that has never produced a thing, but it controls everything. FAA should get the opportunity to actually do what they think they can do better than the airlines.
4. Sell all property controlled by the Bureau of Land Management. I'm pretty sure that would get the government out of debt. Why in the world is the Government in the land business anyway. I don't recall anything in the constitution that provides for anything but land required for actual government business. Surely the framers didn't foresee ownership of vast lands.
5. Close the Department of Education. Never has produced anything, and it never will. From my point of view the only purpose it has is to spend money we don't have.
I think that would go a long way in reducing the powerful suction of resources by our government and get it to begin actually producing the funds needed to run itself. I'm betting it will never happen.
Enough said.
1. Make the Department of Energy actually produce energy. Make them discover, drill for, produce and refine oil. Make them produce, install, and maintain electrical plants - and distribute the power produced. Make them produce nuclear power plants, service them and distribute the power. So far the Department of Energy has been pretty effective at preventing some of these things from happening. My suggestion is, let them figure out how to do it on the budget they already have.
2. Make the Department of Transportation produce, staff, manage and service all surface transportation in the United States. They're pretty good at criticizing and controlling the current surface transportation system, so let them do a better job. Right now they are choking trucking, barge, shipping, auto and rail transportation with their massive and unintelligible regulations.
3. Make the FAA produce, staff, manage and service all air transportation. Again here is a federal agency that has never produced a thing, but it controls everything. FAA should get the opportunity to actually do what they think they can do better than the airlines.
4. Sell all property controlled by the Bureau of Land Management. I'm pretty sure that would get the government out of debt. Why in the world is the Government in the land business anyway. I don't recall anything in the constitution that provides for anything but land required for actual government business. Surely the framers didn't foresee ownership of vast lands.
5. Close the Department of Education. Never has produced anything, and it never will. From my point of view the only purpose it has is to spend money we don't have.
I think that would go a long way in reducing the powerful suction of resources by our government and get it to begin actually producing the funds needed to run itself. I'm betting it will never happen.
Enough said.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The news can be disturbing
Unrest in Libya, unrest in Egypt, unrest in Yemen, Unrest in here and there, unrest everywhere. What do you think is causing such "spontaneous" unrest? I have my own suspicions, but no proof.
What if one wanted to take the world population's mind off of world financial woes? What if one wanted to do as magicians do and misdirect our attention away from what causes us most trouble. What if our world leaders hoped to subvert our sensibilities by causing us to be concerned elsewhere other than keeping our eye on the real prize.
What if peace and freedom was at risk, but our energies were focused on little feuds around the world? What if civil wars in several countries were stimulated by evil men wanting to circumvent the rules of world order? What if the "New World Order" is being brought about by conspiring men through secret combinations against the will of the peoples of the world? What if...what if.
We must stay close to our Heavenly Father. I learned, in my youth, a little piece of wisdom. I learned it in Seminary. It is simply this: Search, Ponder and Pray. Search out Heavenly Father's will for us by studying His dealings with His people in times past and by studying His prophet's teachings today. Ponder what you have read and learned. Then pray about it. Ask Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, how what you have learned is to be applied to you directly.
I'll bet you'll learn things you didn't know before. You might not be happy with what you learn. After you have received your answer, pray again for confirmation that the answer is from Him. Then act upon that answer and follow His plan for you.
I know you will be better for it. If the peoples of the world would return to worshipping God instead of personal power and wealth there would be peace and prosperity for all. Look at the City of Enoch.
Enough said.
What if one wanted to take the world population's mind off of world financial woes? What if one wanted to do as magicians do and misdirect our attention away from what causes us most trouble. What if our world leaders hoped to subvert our sensibilities by causing us to be concerned elsewhere other than keeping our eye on the real prize.
What if peace and freedom was at risk, but our energies were focused on little feuds around the world? What if civil wars in several countries were stimulated by evil men wanting to circumvent the rules of world order? What if the "New World Order" is being brought about by conspiring men through secret combinations against the will of the peoples of the world? What if...what if.
We must stay close to our Heavenly Father. I learned, in my youth, a little piece of wisdom. I learned it in Seminary. It is simply this: Search, Ponder and Pray. Search out Heavenly Father's will for us by studying His dealings with His people in times past and by studying His prophet's teachings today. Ponder what you have read and learned. Then pray about it. Ask Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, how what you have learned is to be applied to you directly.
I'll bet you'll learn things you didn't know before. You might not be happy with what you learn. After you have received your answer, pray again for confirmation that the answer is from Him. Then act upon that answer and follow His plan for you.
I know you will be better for it. If the peoples of the world would return to worshipping God instead of personal power and wealth there would be peace and prosperity for all. Look at the City of Enoch.
Enough said.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Private enterprise employment vs School employment
I've been doing some remedial research. I dug up some interesting facts based on my own experience and that of some of my family.
School employees in my area work 185 days per year. Teachers have college degrees and make $35-50k per year. Their retirement is funded by state monies, but they can augment it by contributing themselves. They are not required to contribute anything for health care coverage. School employees generally have a work day of 8 hours 5 days per week.
I work in private enterprise. I work 260+ days per year. I also make $35-50k per year. I supervise 35-40 employees. Many of my colleagues of the same pay grade have graduate degrees. We pay more than $6200 per year for health coverage. We personally pay for whatever retirement we will eventually receive over and above whatever pittance Social Security will pay. We are obligated to at least 55 hours per week in the office. Most of us are 24/7 employees and must be available for call when not in the office.
It is my humble opinion that workers who work less than 260 days per year are "seasonal" employees. In my particular industry that means they don't qualify for ANY benefits and may not even be invited back for the next season.
I have taken some heat from some of my own family who are public employees for my post of yesterday wherein I criticized the public employees in Wisconsin for their short-sighted protests. They've been protected for too long. Yes, I have chosen my line of work and school employees have chosen their line of work. I chose full time employment. School employees chose part-time employment but expect full time pay and benefits.
Mr. Obama says everyone must be treated fairly. I'm guessing his definition of fair is not the same as mine.
School employees in my area work 185 days per year. Teachers have college degrees and make $35-50k per year. Their retirement is funded by state monies, but they can augment it by contributing themselves. They are not required to contribute anything for health care coverage. School employees generally have a work day of 8 hours 5 days per week.
I work in private enterprise. I work 260+ days per year. I also make $35-50k per year. I supervise 35-40 employees. Many of my colleagues of the same pay grade have graduate degrees. We pay more than $6200 per year for health coverage. We personally pay for whatever retirement we will eventually receive over and above whatever pittance Social Security will pay. We are obligated to at least 55 hours per week in the office. Most of us are 24/7 employees and must be available for call when not in the office.
It is my humble opinion that workers who work less than 260 days per year are "seasonal" employees. In my particular industry that means they don't qualify for ANY benefits and may not even be invited back for the next season.
I have taken some heat from some of my own family who are public employees for my post of yesterday wherein I criticized the public employees in Wisconsin for their short-sighted protests. They've been protected for too long. Yes, I have chosen my line of work and school employees have chosen their line of work. I chose full time employment. School employees chose part-time employment but expect full time pay and benefits.
Mr. Obama says everyone must be treated fairly. I'm guessing his definition of fair is not the same as mine.
Friday, February 18, 2011
What hypocrites!
I read today that Ayatollah Obama and Hillary "the smartest woman in America" Clinton support peaceful protests throughout the world. However, when an American Veteran attends one of Mrs Clinton's speeches and just turns around to give her his back, the police haul him away and charge him with disturbing the peace. Uh-huh. Hypocrite!
Again today, I read that the Ayatollah-in-chief supports the union thugs that are determined to destroy Wisconsin. The government of Wisconsin want to bring the state financials back into reality by cutting some of the unwarranted expenditures there. I read that teachers in Wisconsin have a compensation package equal to $100,000/year. And they went AWOL because someone wants them to participate in their own retirement? I believe each one that went AWOL should be fired. There are many graduates looking for work as educators that are willing to take up the slack for much less. So much for wanting the "best for the children" I'm pretty sure the children are being well educated while these teachers whine and stamp their feet. Evidently the teachers learned more from their K-6 students than they learned from the colleges and universities. Hypocrites all of them. They don't care a whit for the children as much as they care about THEMSELVES.
I've observed, over the years, that most of the liberals that I've known are government employees of one type or another, i.e. teachers, professors, city/county/state/federal employees. Most of them have never had to actually prove themselves able to hold a production position in a free-enterprise company. Also interesting to me is that nearly all of the military folks I've known are not liberal even though they are government employees. Perhaps it is because their compensation package is a pittance in comparison. And the Ayatollah wanted Soldiers/Sailors/Airmen to pay for their own health care, and he wants the teachers to get a free ride.
I say to Wisconsin. Fire those who went AWOL. Both legislators and teachers and whoever else did so. Replace them with people who want to work. That's the way the "REAL WORLD" works. They need a taste of reality.
Again today, I read that the Ayatollah-in-chief supports the union thugs that are determined to destroy Wisconsin. The government of Wisconsin want to bring the state financials back into reality by cutting some of the unwarranted expenditures there. I read that teachers in Wisconsin have a compensation package equal to $100,000/year. And they went AWOL because someone wants them to participate in their own retirement? I believe each one that went AWOL should be fired. There are many graduates looking for work as educators that are willing to take up the slack for much less. So much for wanting the "best for the children" I'm pretty sure the children are being well educated while these teachers whine and stamp their feet. Evidently the teachers learned more from their K-6 students than they learned from the colleges and universities. Hypocrites all of them. They don't care a whit for the children as much as they care about THEMSELVES.
I've observed, over the years, that most of the liberals that I've known are government employees of one type or another, i.e. teachers, professors, city/county/state/federal employees. Most of them have never had to actually prove themselves able to hold a production position in a free-enterprise company. Also interesting to me is that nearly all of the military folks I've known are not liberal even though they are government employees. Perhaps it is because their compensation package is a pittance in comparison. And the Ayatollah wanted Soldiers/Sailors/Airmen to pay for their own health care, and he wants the teachers to get a free ride.
I say to Wisconsin. Fire those who went AWOL. Both legislators and teachers and whoever else did so. Replace them with people who want to work. That's the way the "REAL WORLD" works. They need a taste of reality.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Our political leaders are WRONG!
So..Former President Carter has the unmitigated gall to say that the Islamic Brotherhood is "nothing to worry about"? I wonder what rock he has been living under. Mrs. Clinton said the same thing a few days ago. Are these people stuck in fantasy land? Have they not been paying attention? Why is it that I know the Islamic Brotherhood is dangerous when these so-called leaders do not. Perhaps their "advisors" haven't told them. I can't believe they read any background or do any research themselves. They must rely on others to tell them what to believe. If that is the case we have hired a bunch of dolts who cannot form their own opinion based on their own research. I AM FRIGHTENED.
I fear the wars mentioned in the Bible are near. Never in modern history have all the signs and symptoms of a potential global religious war been so evident. Remember "all nations against Israel and Israel against all nations?" Israel is again surrounded by non-covenant nations. Her closest ally, the USA, is unfortunately weakening it's support of Israel. I am very afraid that the chaos mentioned in the scriptures will shortly be coming to pass. I fear for my children and grandchildren.
I hope and pray that we adhere to the admonitions of the Prophet. He has instructed us as to what we should do to protect ourselves. Our nation needs to return to Christian Values. We need to exercise fasting and prayer to God. We need to exercise collective faith. If we do not....nothing else we can do will prevent the disaster we fear.
We need to stop the multi-cultural nonsense and get back to praising God. He is our only salvation.
I fear the wars mentioned in the Bible are near. Never in modern history have all the signs and symptoms of a potential global religious war been so evident. Remember "all nations against Israel and Israel against all nations?" Israel is again surrounded by non-covenant nations. Her closest ally, the USA, is unfortunately weakening it's support of Israel. I am very afraid that the chaos mentioned in the scriptures will shortly be coming to pass. I fear for my children and grandchildren.
I hope and pray that we adhere to the admonitions of the Prophet. He has instructed us as to what we should do to protect ourselves. Our nation needs to return to Christian Values. We need to exercise fasting and prayer to God. We need to exercise collective faith. If we do not....nothing else we can do will prevent the disaster we fear.
We need to stop the multi-cultural nonsense and get back to praising God. He is our only salvation.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
It's a wonderful life
This is a wonderful, exhausting, productive, spiritual day today.
We witnessed one of my youngest sons as he married his sweetheart. One of the things they were told was to listen to the lyrics of the song, "Little Things Mean a Lot". It's been years since I have heard that song, but the advise is good. Little things do mean a lot. If the little things are taken care of the big things will take care of themselves.
I am grateful that my son has chosen to covenant with his sweetheart for time and all eternity. They didn't covenant until death, or until they change their mind, or until marriage becomes inconvenient, or until something better comes along, but for eternity. What a wonderful covenant. This is a long term commitment. There is nothing instantaneous about eternity. It takes far more consideration to plan for eternity, than it does to plan for a one night stand.
I wish more people would consider making such a commitment. My bride and I did so nearly 38 years ago. We have never even considered shortening our covenant. We are committed to working out our problems. We love each other more now than we ever even knew was possible 38 years ago. Love is a continuing project and it gets better with each year behind us.
I wish everyone had a relationship as do my bride and I.
We witnessed one of my youngest sons as he married his sweetheart. One of the things they were told was to listen to the lyrics of the song, "Little Things Mean a Lot". It's been years since I have heard that song, but the advise is good. Little things do mean a lot. If the little things are taken care of the big things will take care of themselves.
I am grateful that my son has chosen to covenant with his sweetheart for time and all eternity. They didn't covenant until death, or until they change their mind, or until marriage becomes inconvenient, or until something better comes along, but for eternity. What a wonderful covenant. This is a long term commitment. There is nothing instantaneous about eternity. It takes far more consideration to plan for eternity, than it does to plan for a one night stand.
I wish more people would consider making such a commitment. My bride and I did so nearly 38 years ago. We have never even considered shortening our covenant. We are committed to working out our problems. We love each other more now than we ever even knew was possible 38 years ago. Love is a continuing project and it gets better with each year behind us.
I wish everyone had a relationship as do my bride and I.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Things I hold sacred
My friends, I feel compelled to share some of my most sacred feelings.
1. My son and his fiance will be married on Saturday. They will enter into the Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ and make covenants with one another and they will be sealed together for time and all eternity. This ordinance is available for any worthy son and daughter of Heavenly Father. Eternal Marriage is ordained of God. It is to be only experienced between a man and a woman. The purpose for marriage is to provide a stable family environment where children can be conceived and raised. Father's role is to provide a safe and sufficient place for the family to live and to produce the living necessary to feed and cloth and care for his wife and his children. Mother's role is to nurture the children, teach them right from wrong, teach them to read, pray, and teach them respect for their elders and others with whom they may come into contact.
2. Religion is an important part of family life. Genuine love of God and His Son Jesus Christ is imperative. Learning respect by searching the scriptures, pondering those things learned from them and then exercising fasting and prayer to learn God's will for us is the only way to peace. When these things are not experienced only chaos can result. Our nation is drifting into disbelief because of the lack of true understanding of these sacred principles.
3. Husbands and wives must let each other know they love and respect each other. They must never let impatience or discontent enter into their thinking or escape their mouths..even to close friends. The ultimate focus should be on one's spouse no matter what else may be going on.
4. Successful marriages include children. Much is learned as we experience the joy of teaching little ones. What a sacred experience it is to see a child born and then watch him or her grow into themselves. Some couples cannot have children naturally. Adoption is certainly an honorable avenue and should be examined.
5. Prophets are not only for those who lived long ago. God is just as concerned for His children that live today as He was in the time of Moses or Ezekiel, or Abraham. We can benefit by listening to a prophet as he instructs us as to how we should comport ourselves. Prophets do not teach of evil, taking of lives, destroying families, disrespect for women and children. They teach of respect for fellow beings, for love of life, love of spouse and children. Never would a prophet of God require one's life to be taken. There is a prophet today who has the same authority as did Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, Isaiah, or any of the other Old Testament prophets. Seek him and learn from him. He will not lead you away from the precepts of Jesus Christ.
6. There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated--
And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.
-Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21
If you want specific blessings...look for the law that controls it and obey that law. After all, the Lord said, "I, the Lord am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."
I love my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I extend the invitation to all to do likewise. Peace can only come when that love is evident. I love my wife and each of my 7 children, my two adopted children and my 12 grandchildren. I hope I tell them often enough.
Please find the temerity to enjoy what I enjoy.
1. My son and his fiance will be married on Saturday. They will enter into the Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ and make covenants with one another and they will be sealed together for time and all eternity. This ordinance is available for any worthy son and daughter of Heavenly Father. Eternal Marriage is ordained of God. It is to be only experienced between a man and a woman. The purpose for marriage is to provide a stable family environment where children can be conceived and raised. Father's role is to provide a safe and sufficient place for the family to live and to produce the living necessary to feed and cloth and care for his wife and his children. Mother's role is to nurture the children, teach them right from wrong, teach them to read, pray, and teach them respect for their elders and others with whom they may come into contact.
2. Religion is an important part of family life. Genuine love of God and His Son Jesus Christ is imperative. Learning respect by searching the scriptures, pondering those things learned from them and then exercising fasting and prayer to learn God's will for us is the only way to peace. When these things are not experienced only chaos can result. Our nation is drifting into disbelief because of the lack of true understanding of these sacred principles.
3. Husbands and wives must let each other know they love and respect each other. They must never let impatience or discontent enter into their thinking or escape their mouths..even to close friends. The ultimate focus should be on one's spouse no matter what else may be going on.
4. Successful marriages include children. Much is learned as we experience the joy of teaching little ones. What a sacred experience it is to see a child born and then watch him or her grow into themselves. Some couples cannot have children naturally. Adoption is certainly an honorable avenue and should be examined.
5. Prophets are not only for those who lived long ago. God is just as concerned for His children that live today as He was in the time of Moses or Ezekiel, or Abraham. We can benefit by listening to a prophet as he instructs us as to how we should comport ourselves. Prophets do not teach of evil, taking of lives, destroying families, disrespect for women and children. They teach of respect for fellow beings, for love of life, love of spouse and children. Never would a prophet of God require one's life to be taken. There is a prophet today who has the same authority as did Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, Isaiah, or any of the other Old Testament prophets. Seek him and learn from him. He will not lead you away from the precepts of Jesus Christ.
6. There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated--
And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.
-Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21
If you want specific blessings...look for the law that controls it and obey that law. After all, the Lord said, "I, the Lord am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."
I love my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I extend the invitation to all to do likewise. Peace can only come when that love is evident. I love my wife and each of my 7 children, my two adopted children and my 12 grandchildren. I hope I tell them often enough.
Please find the temerity to enjoy what I enjoy.
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